
 2021-10-24 03:10

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

自从在防污漆中禁止使用三丁基锡以来,已经出现了许多替代的增强杀菌剂[[[] soon, z.y., jung, j., jang, m.et al.zinc pyrithione (znpt) as an antifouling biocide in the marine environmenta literature review of its toxicity, environmental fates, and analytical methods.water air soil pollut230,310 (2019). https://xs.scihub.ltd/https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-019-4361-0]],吡啶硫铜锌(zpt)是防污涂料中被最广泛使用的杀菌剂之一。

因其具有抗细菌,抗真菌或抗溢脂性皮炎的作用而被加入到化妆品,洗发香波,皮肤护理用品中[[[] reeder, n. et al. the antifungal mechanism of action of zinc pyrithione. british journal of dermatology 165, 9-12 (2011). ]]。

其在洗发剂中作为抗头屑剂和杀菌剂,用于去头皮屑,可抑制革兰氏阳性、阴性细菌及霉菌的生长[[[] blagojevi, s. m., pastor, f. t., bori, i. r., eri, n. m. njevi, d. . the application of dp polarography for the determination of zinc and content of zinc pyrithione in anti-dandruff shampoos. facta universitatis-series: physics, chemistry and technology 13, 181-190 (2015). ]]。


2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

2.1 研究的目的和意义在研究小组的早期阶段就已经研究了zpt对24 hpf及以后的斑马鱼胚胎的急性毒性以及zpt对斑马鱼幼虫的慢性毒性。

结果表明,zpt可引起斑马鱼胚胎和幼虫的畸形甚至死亡,并引起幼鱼的肝脏毒性[[[] zhao y , liu y , sun j , et al. acute toxic responses of embryo-larval zebrafish to zinc pyrithione (zpt) reveal embryological and developmental toxicity[j]. chemosphere, 2018:s0045653518306489.]]。


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