The Comparison and Analysis of Heroines in The Portrait of a Lady and Love in a Fallen City(《贵妇人画像》与《倾城之恋》女主人公的对比分析 )开题报告

 2022-06-27 09:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Aim and Significance: This paper aims to discuss the influence of the development of feminism on the eastern and western feministic literature, by contrasting and analyzing two heroines in The Portrait of a Lady and Love in a Fallen City. The comparison and analysis can help readers better understand the two works and know the struggle and fate of women who were in the development of feminism.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Research Content: The Portrait of a Lady is the magnum opus of Henry James, and Love in a Fallen City is a masterpiece of Eileen Chang. The paper contrasts and analyzes two heroines of the two works from the perspective of feminism. The first part briefly introduces the two works and feminism. And the second and third parts respectively analyze the resemblances and differences of the two heroines. Key Issues to be Resolved: 1.Appropriate angles applied to compare and analyze the two heroines. 2.The combination of feminism and the comparison and analysis. Outline: 摘要 Abstract Introduction Chapter One: Brief Introduction to the Two Authors and Works 1.1 Brief Introduction to Henry James and The Portrait of a Lady 1.2 Brief Introduction to Eileen Chang and Love in a Fallen City Chapter Two: The Introduction of Feminism 2.1 The Development of Feminism 2.2 The Influences of Feminism on Literary Works Chapter Three: The Resemblances of the Two Heroines 3.1 The Sense of Independence and Yearning for Freedom 3.2 The Resistance and Challenge of Family Environment 3.3 The Contradictory Character Bound by Social Traditional Ethics 3.4 The Cause and Inevitability of Tragic Destiny Chapter Four: The Differences of the Two Heroines 4.1 Different Goals of Life 4.2 Different View of Marriage 4.3 Different Result of Choice under the Same View of Freedom 4.4 Different Way of Self-salvation Conclusion Reference

3. 国内外研究现状

Research status: Overseas: The Portrait of a Lady has been concerned in the literary world since it was published. Experts and scholars have studied on the heroine Isabel from different perspectives, including George Eliot, Stevenson and Balzac. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev regarded this novel as a masterpiece that can be read and tested with various methods. The vivid psychological analysis in the novel was praised by literary circles. However, there#8217;s no works about comparison and analysis of the heroine Isabel and some heroine in eastern literature works. Domestic: Many domestic scholars study The Portrait of a Lady in different ways. Chen li, a Chinese writer, analyzes the heroine#8217;s values in her book Isabel#8217;s view of freedom. The novel Love in a Fallen City is one of masterpieces of Eileen Chang, a famous Chinese female writer. There#8217;s a paper, from the author Xu yaxin, comparing the female images of Love in a Fallen City and Gone with the Wind. Besides, study of Love in a Fallen City involves many literature works and film and television works.

4. 计划与进度安排

Research proposal: Composing paper mainly through consulting related literature materials and related information. The variety of materials and information: 1. The original works of The Portrait of a Lady and Love in a Fallen City. 2. Related commentary works. 3. Related online information.

5. 参考文献

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