从精神分析视角解读卡明斯的诗歌《正是春天》Psychoanalysis on E.E.Cumming’s Poetry In Just-开题报告

 2021-11-11 08:11

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

research purpose:

edward estlin cummings, or best known as e.e.cummings, was a famous american poet. his writing style is often associated with modernist free-form, and the shaped poems constitutes a large part of his works. but there’s little acquaintance about him in china, for his works are filled with idiosyncratic syntax, making them hard to translate and understand.

“in just-”, a controversial poem that has much to discuss on its gist. it seems the poem portrayed a paradoxical and complicated picture, the whole atmosphere seems to be light-hearted at the first glance, yet the usage of some sinister figures making the conclusion hard to draw. its superficial purpose is to praise the spring and innocence of childhood, but the hidden one includes some hideous hints that something bad is happening.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案



1.1 e.e.cummings and his works


3. 研究计划与安排

before 4thjanuary : settlement of the title

before28thfebruarysubmission of the outline

before 29thapril : submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1]etienne terblanche. oscillating center and frame in e. e. cummings's in just- / spring. 2015, 73(2):105-108

[2]hongping chen. a brief analysis of e.e. cummings' s poem from the style as foregrounding[c]. international research association of information and computer science.proceedings of 2015 international conference on social science,education management and sports education(ssemse 2015).international research association of information and computer science:北京欣永顺文化传播有限公司,2015:1690-1693.

[3]王梦洁,于学勇.a study on the iconic features of e.e.cummings' love poems[j].海外英语,2014(11):200-201.

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