教育生态视域下高校英语专业课程设计——以理工大英语专业《基础英语》课程教学为例 College English majors’ course design from the perspective of Educational Ecology ——taking Intensive Reading for English majors of WHUT as an example开题报告

 2021-11-11 08:11

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

basedon the complete, systematic, dynamic and balanced viewpoints of the ecologicalsystem, educational ecology focuses on the relationship between people,education, and the environment, then re-analyzes and constructs educationaltheoretical framework.

classroomecology, further proposed by educational ecology, refers to a dynamic balance,an open and orderly micro ecosystem composed of four elements: teachers,students, classroom natural environment and classroom cultural environment,also it is to examine the classroom with ecological principles, and to think,analyze and explain complex teaching problems with an ecological perspective.

inthe 21st century, to change the imbalance between the employment difficultiesof undergraduates and the demand of english talents in the market, the teachingrequirements for english major have undergone fundamental changes, that is,"from the teaching goal of training translators in the past to thetraining of versatile talents in all walks of life." however, thetraditional classroom restricted by the curricular characteristics is usuallydominated by teachers, with students accepting knowledge passively. this kindof one-way, indoctrinated mode is easy to lead to students' lack of enthusiasmand subjective initiative in learning, which hinders the improvement of theircomprehensive quality. in such a circumstance, the introduction of educationalecology provides a new perspective to promote the all-round development ofstudents, build a health ecosystem of teaching and realize the sustainabledevelopment of education.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案



1.1 the concept ofeducational ecology


3. 研究计划与安排

before 4th january : settlement of the title

before 28thfebruary submission of the outline

before 29th april: submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] bestelmeyer,v. collaboration, interdisciplinary thinking, and communication: new approachesto k-12 ecology education[j]. frontiers in ecology and the environment,2015(13): 37–43.

[2] boche, b., henning, m. multimodal scaffolding in the secondary english classroomcurriculum[j]. journal of adolescent adult literacy, 2015(58): 579-590.

[3] huang, y., hong, z. the effects of a flipped english classroom intervention onstudents' information and communication technology and english readingcomprehension[j]. educational technology research and development, 2016(64):175–193.

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