儿童文学中环境描写的翻译策略研究—— 以《秘密花园》两个中译本为例 A Study on E-C Translation Strategies of Environmental Descriptions in Childrens Literature——A Case Study of Two Chinese Translations of The Secret Garden开题报告

 2021-11-11 08:11

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

research purpose:

with the increasing development and popularization of education, chinese parents pay more and more attention to their children's education, zealously exploitingvarious resourcesat home and abroad to cultivate children.in recent years, children's literature has flourished.the description of the environment in children's literature is conduciveto inspiring children's affectionfor nature and thorough considerationabout the relationship between man and nature.sincechildren's literature in english-speaking countries is a treasure trove and english-speaking countries have abundant experience in environmental protection, it is worth studying the chinese translation of environmental descriptionsin their children's literature.under the guidance of skopos theory, functional equivalence theory, interpretive theory and reception aesthetics theoryand so on, this research does several translation practices of the environmental descriptions from two chinese translations of the secret garden, aiming at obtaining the translation strategies and methods of chinesetranslation of the environmental descriptions in english children's literature works based on these four translation theories. and bringing out the linear relationship among translation theories, translation strategies and translation methods.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案


1.introduction (background, purpose, significance, innovation)

2.research methods


3. 研究计划与安排

before 4thjanuary : settlement of the title

before28thfebruarysubmission of the outline

before 29thapril : submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] burett, frances hodgson. the secret garden[m]. new york: state street press, 2003.

[2]du j. the translation of children’s literature under the guidance of reception aesthetics[j]. 海外英语,2015.

[3] nida, eugene a. language and culture: contexts in translation[m]. shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press, 2004.

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