
 2023-01-11 10:01

Brands and brand equity: definition and management

原文作者 Lisa Wood

单位 Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK











品牌资产, 专家倾向于定义类似于品牌的概念和增加值(品牌建设)的数量激增的多重含义。











品牌说明 品牌力量 品牌价值





Ambler和Styles(1996)建议品牌经理在今天利润还是他们的未来之间做出选择,品牌资产是“商店在稍后的日期实现的利润”。在此定义之前,斯利瓦斯塔瓦(1991) 在品牌资产建议提出:聚合所有累积的态度在扩展的思想和行为模式的消费者,分销渠道和影响代理,这将提高未来长期利润和现金流。




Leuthesser (1988)提供了一个广泛的定义的品牌价值为:客户行为的一个品牌的关联,渠道的一部分成员和母公司的许可,获得比没有品牌的更大的体积或更高利润。这个定义涵盖Feldwick的品牌描述和分类品牌力量暗示类似的关系图1中概述。关键的区别图1的结果是,品牌的力量不是指定为品牌价值,而是意味着市场份额和利润的结果。

营销人员倾向于描述,而不是把一个图,结果品牌的力量。Pitt和Katsanis (1995)建议品牌资产增加的可能性和品牌的选择,导致品牌忠诚度。“将该品牌隔离开来构成竞争威胁。”Aaker(1991)建议强大的品牌通常会提供更高的利润和更好的访问权分销渠道,以及提供一个广泛的产品线扩展的平台。







不同的方法定义品牌建设部分源于不同角度(如产品及和整体品牌)。利益相关者的角度来看,即一个品牌从消费者的角度定义或从品牌所有者的角度来看。此外,品牌从这种多样性集成的定义,有时中定义的目的, 有时描述他们的特点。考察了不同的方法品牌的定义。

美国市场营销协会(1960)提出了以下公司面向一个品牌的定义: 旨在识别旨在识别良好或服务的卖家或一组卖家或区分的竞争对手的名称、术语、符号、形象的设计或一个组合。



Ambler (1992)从消费者角度定义一个品牌:企业承诺的属性的总和和购买并提供满意的服务的属性组成。一个品牌可能是真实的或虚幻的、合理的或情感、有形的或看不见的。



这些定义之间的界限不明显,只是关注的方面不同。Ambler(1992)指的是属性的总和。“这种方法一个关键的贡献是理解品牌的特征。但是, 当可能的子集品牌或品牌




Brands, Brand equity, Brand loyalty, Brand valuation, Value analysis


This article assumes that brands should be managed as valuable, long-term corporate assets. It is proposed that for a true brand asset mindset to be achieved, the relationship between brand loyalty and brand value needs to be recognized within the management accounting system. It is also suggested that strategic brand management is achieved by having a multi-disciplinary focus, which is facilitated by a common vocabulary. This article seeks to establish the relationships between the constructs and concepts of branding, and to provide a framework and vocabulary that aids effective communication between the functions of accounting and marketing. Performance measures for brand management are also considered, and a model for the management of brand equity is provided.

Brand management

In consumer marketing, brands often provide the primary points of differentiation between competitive offerings, and as such they can be critical to the success of companies. Hence, it is important that the management of brands is approached strategically. However, the lack of an effective dialogue between functions that are disparate in philosophy and do not have a common and compatible use of terminology may be a barrier to strategic management within organizations. No more is this evident than between the functions of marketing and accounting. This article seeks to establish the relationships between the constructs and concept


Brands and brand equity: definition and management

Lisa Wood

Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK


Brands, Brand equity, Brand loyalty, Brand valuation, Value analysis


This article assumes that brands should be managed as valuable, long-term corporate assets. It is proposed that for a true brand asset mindset to be achieved, the relationship between brand loyalty and brand value needs to be recognised within the management accounting system. It is also suggested that strategic brand management is achieved by having a multi-disciplinary focus, which is facilitated by a common vocabulary. This article seeks to establish the relationships between the constructs and concepts of branding, and to provide a framework and vocabulary that aids effective communication between the functions of accounting and marketing. Performance measures for brand management are also considered, and a model for the management of brand equity is provided.

Brand management

In consumer marketing, brands often provide the primary points of differentiation between competitive offerings, and as such they can be critical to the success of companies. Hence, it is important that the management of brands is approached strategically. However, the lack of an effective dialogue between functions that are disparate in philosophy and do not have a common and compatible use of terminology may be a barrier to strategic management within organisations. No more is this evident than between the functions of marketing and accounting. This article seeks to establish the relationships between the constructs and concepts of branding, and to provide a framework and vocabulary that aids effective communication between the functions of accounting and marketing. The assumption in the article is that good communication between functions within organisations aids strategic management. A model for the management of brand equity is also offered. The following discussion focuses on the concepts of brand equity and added value as they relate to the brand construct itself.

Brand equity

An attempt to define the relationship between customers and brands produced the term ``brand equity in the marketing literature. The concept of brand equity has been debated both in the accounting and marketing literatures, and has highlighted the importance of having a long-term focus within brand management. Although there have been significant moves by companies to be strategic in the way that brands are managed, a lack of common terminology and philosophy within and between disciplines persists and may hinder communication.

Brand equity, like the concepts of brand and added value (discussed in the section headed ``The brand construct) has proliferated into multiple meanings. Accountants tend to define brand equity differently from marketers, with the concept being defined both in terms of the relationship between customer and brand (consumer-oriented definitions), or as something that accrues to the brand owner (company-oriented definitions). Feldwick (1996) simplifies the variety of approaches, by providing a classification of the different meanings of brand equity as:

. the total value of a brand as a separable asset plusmn; when it is sold, or included on a balance sheet;

. a measure of the strength of consumers attachment to a brand;

. a description of the associations and beliefs the consumer has about the brand.

The first of these is often called brand valuation or brand value, and is the meaning generally adopted by financial accountants. The concept of measuring the consumers level of attachment to a brand can be called brand strength (synonymous with brand loyalty). The third could be called brand image, though Feldwick (1996) used the term brand description. When marketers use the term ``brand equity they tend to mean brand description or brand strength. Brand strength and brand description are sometimes referred to as ``consumer brand equity to distinguish them from the asset valuation meaning.

Brand description is distinct because it would not be expected to be quantified, whereas brand strength and brand value are considered quantifiable (though the methods of quantification are not covered by this article).Brand value may be thought to be distinct as it refers to an actual, or notional business transaction, while the other two focus on the consumer. There is an assumed relationship between the interpretations of brand equity. This relationship implies the causal chain shown in Figure 1.

Very simply, brand description (or identity or image) is tailored to the needs and wants of a target market using the marketing mix of product, price, place, and promotion. The success or otherwise of this process determines brand strength or the degree of brand loyalty. A brands value is determined by the degree of brand loyalty, as this implies a guarantee of future cash flows.

Feldwick considered that using the term brand equity creates the illusion that an operational relationship exists between brand description, brand strength and brand value that cannot be demonstrated to operate in practice. This is not surprising, given that brand description and brand strength are, broadly speaking, within the remit of marketers and brand value has been

considered largely an accounting issue. However, for brands to be managed strategically as long-term assets, the relationship outlined in Figure 1 needs to be operational within the management accounting system. The efforts of managers of brands could be reviewed and assessed by the measurement of brand strength and brand value, and brand strategy modified accordingly. Whilst not a simple process, the measurement of outcomes is useful as part of a range of diagnostic tools for management. This is further explored in the summary d



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