Analysis of the Characteristics of the Translation of English Business Letters开题报告

 2022-06-27 09:06

1. 研究目的与意义

With the continuous development of economic globalization, international business is developing rapidly, and the chances of contact and communication between Chinese enterprises and foreign enterprises are becoming more and more. As an effective way of business communication and negotiation, business letter is one of the major means of written communication between two parties in international trade. Analyzing characteristics of translation of English business letters is a good way to help us to understand the meanings and purposes of English business letters and use English business letters accurately, which is beneficial for business activities.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

My paper will give a brief introduction of English business letters and several characteristics of translation of them, and try to offer some common techniques of translating English business letters. The first part will introduce the classification and layout of English business letters. Then, the paper will focus on the characteristics of translation of English business letters. Finally, the common techniques of translating English business letters will be explored.

3. 国内外研究现状

There have been many researches on the introduction of English business letters and their translation made by both Chinese and foreign scholars, for example, Lesikar, Raymond V., have offered their opinions concerning the characteristics of English business letters in Business Communication and 《国际商务函电》by Cai Xingyang in China. Because of the more and more frequent use of English business letters in international trade, we should pay more attention to the characteristics of translating English business letters and the techniques to translate them. That is why I attempt to make a research on this topic.

4. 计划与进度安排

I. Introduction With the emergence and continuous development of global economy, China interacts and communicates with foreign countries more and more frequently. Especially business communication becomes more important than before. As an effective way of business communication and negotiation, English business letters play an important role in international trade. Different usage of words or sentences may change the purpose or tone of an English business letter. Thus, it is necessary to understand and grasp the characteristics of translating English business letters and common techniques of their translation. 1. The Classification of English Business Letters 2. The Layout of English Business Letters II. Characteristics of the Translation of English Business Letters 1.Lexcial Features 1.1 Use of Abbreviations 1.2 Use of Formal words 1.3 Use of Shoot and Simple Verbs 2. Syntactic Features 2.1 Completeness 2.2 Clearness 2.3 Concreteness 2.4 Conciseness 2.5 Courtesy 2.6 Consideration 2.7 Correctness III. Common Techniques of Translating English Business Letters 1. Following the Standard of Faithfulness, Exactness, and Consistency 2. Using Modeling Application 3. Following the Politeness Principle IV. Conclusion Only by a lot of studies on characteristics of translation of English business letters, are we able to exactly understand and translate them. When we translate or write business letters, we should pay attention to the usage of words and sentences according to the characteristics and techniques, because any mistake may result in misunderstanding between two parties in international trade. In conclusion, for all the case studies and the examples provided, mastering the characteristics of translating English business letters can make it convenient that Chinese enterprises communicate with foreign enterprises, which is beneficial to the progress of business activities.

5. 参考文献

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