
 2023-01-06 10:01





Larson Di Fiori


Henry Rosemont, Jr.








首先是文献学。仁在《论语》之前并不是一个特别常见的图表。Guodian发现有它写的身(作为一个孕妇)和心(较低的),这些意义尚不明晰。甲骨文和早期青铜器中的其他几件事和我们今天的图表差不多:人和二。Kwong loi Shun排练的年长的中国学者之间的辩论是原始图的意义,是贵族向他的臣民一个体面的统治者态度的标志。仁两次发生在《诗经》(毛77和103),在那里它被翻译为“善”由Legge和高本汉,和Waley的“好”。但在这些诗所描述的人是一个著名的猎人,和林宇盛认为相当有说服力的理由,任情境这些《诗经》的段落应该呈现的“男子汉”或“男子汉气概”,这不仅与贵族生活一致也有尚武的精神,渊源与《论语》注释者的认知(这对他们来说是最古老的部分)。

武士的品质在孔子的生存中是找不到的,但他所说的,至少可以说是难以捉摸的。显然不是他的学生和同侪对他所说的仁是因为他不提供这一统一确实清楚的定义,他的一些半定义相互交错不相容,他根据不同学生的发问给出不同的解答(6thinsp;:thinsp;22, 12thinsp;:thinsp;1, 12thinsp;:thinsp;2, 12thinsp;:thinsp;3, 17thinsp;:thinsp;6)。而且,即使是一天也不可使得自己脱离仁(4thinsp;:thinsp;6),你践行仁人就至(7thinsp;:thinsp;30)。单单只有行动能使人成为仁(5thinsp;:thinsp;19),也不能仅仅是一个正直诚实的人(5thinsp;:thinsp;8)——即英语中的“客观”和“主观”。


我们可能开始解开这些看似相互矛盾的解释,首先,通过拒绝任何读书成为孔子认为仁是通往圣人的必要阶段,代替把主人看成是一个浅尝辄止的学生,并和比他们更好的人交往。另一方面,我们可以将许多冲突的陈述,如果我们读论语对任他们去shy;体只是人类在最令人羡慕的,一贯执行他们的角色令人钦佩和得到满足。但在考虑这一请求读者不应当对客观/主观施加影响,在主体思考中使用内/外的二分法。内/外区别在儒家思想始于孟子;为shy;Herbert Fingarettte指出,几年前,这个区别在论语中缺席。我们将在下面的分数上有更多的发言权。

主人虽很少谈及人性(5thinsp;:thinsp;13),我们会记得,Peter Boodberg坚持图仁是简单而相同的词为简单图 “人”,但不同的图形表示。

同时,对《论语》,Amy Olberdingrsquo;s的分析的基本要素,“而文本明确并英雄化孔子,它这样实践,而他对于人性的东西。在他看来,他还不是一个理想和理念,但仍然是一个男人。他不是十全十美的。”



在英语翻译中,仁在《论语》中最常见的翻译是“仁爱”、“人道” 和“慈悲”(Huang 1997, Dawson 1993, Leys 1998, Watson 2011, Chin 2014)。Slingerland (2003) and Waley (1938)使用“善的”与“善”; Soothill (1862) and Ware (1958) 性别是“德性之人”和“人之所能”的术语;“仁”是Lau的选择(1983),Legge (1895) 让它成为“完美的美德”, Ames and Rosemont (1998)首先把仁翻译作“权威”和“权威性”。



我们不会是《论语》的第一批学生提出这样的方式来看待仁的意义的问题。Karyn Lai,例如,表示要“允许不同的实例示范性生活hellip;hellip;这篇文章并没有推荐一幅精彩的生活画面。”


Roger Ames在这一点上更接近我们现在的位置:




然而,它可能会问:什么,确切地说,它是我们看到当我们看到任活动显然期望一个人的作用?Amy Olberding在她最近的书的副标题就提供了一种响应,尖锐的因为它是简单明了的:“那是个好人。”


Interpreting the graph ren 仁 has been the subject of much philological and philo-sophical study and speculation over the centuries among scholars both Chinese and Western, perhaps more than any other single graph. One major reason for the atten-tion paid to the term is the general agreement that Confucius (Kongzi 孔子) gave ren—a little-known term at the time—an ethical orientation in the Analects that it did not have earlier, an understanding of which seems to be a prerequisite for under-standing his entire philosophy as reflected in that venerable little book.

In this essay we want to suggest a reading for ren in the Analects unlike others proffered by Western translators, who, in keeping with the dominant Western philo-sophical heritage,1 seem to have presupposed it to be a quality or a virtue that certain people “have,” with both objective and subjective dimensions, and also presupposed that the book is to be read basically as an account of the moral philosophy of Con-fucius and of the role of the concept ren in that philosophy. These are understand-able presuppositions. Ren is clearly the highest human excellence treasured by the Master, and there is something about those who exhibit it that compels respect and efforts at emulation. But herein we will attempt to say a few different things about that “something” without recourse to the language of virtue ethics or subjectivity. Indeed, we will not even focus on individuals as agents but rather on the actions performed in the discharge of role responsibilities.

And we will further suggest that we best approach the Confucius of the text not by attempting to ascertain a philosophy he more or less promulgates, moral or other-wise, but rather as paradigmatic of fulfilling the role of teacher, and consequently we will have to attend equally to the specific qualities of the students receiving his in-structions.2 If our views can be sustained, not only will the Master have to be seen some


Seeking Ren in the Analects

Larson Di Fiori, Henry Rosemont Jr.

Philosophy East and West, Volume 67, Number 1, January 2017, pp. 96-116 (Article)

Published by University of Hawaii Press

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/pew.2017.0008

For additional information about this article


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Larson Di Fiori

Department of Religious Studies, Brown University


Henry Rosemont, Jr.

Department of Religious Studies, Brown University


Interpreting the graph ren 仁 has been the subject of much philological and philo-sophical study and speculation over the centuries among scholars both Chinese and Western, perhaps more than any other single graph. One major reason for the atten-tion paid to the term is the general agreement that Confucius (Kongzi 孔子) gave ren—a little-known term at the time—an ethical orientation in the Analects that it did not have earlier, an understanding of which seems to be a prerequisite for under-standing his entire philosophy as reflected in that venerable little book.

In this essay we want to suggest a reading for ren in the Analects unlike others proffered by Western translators, who, in keeping with the dominant Western philo-sophical heritage,1 seem to have presupposed it to be a quality or a virtue that certain people “have,” with both objective and subjective dimensions, and also presupposed that the book is to be read basically as an account of the moral philosophy of Con-fucius and of the role of the concept ren in that philosophy. These are understand-able presuppositions. Ren is clearly the highest human excellence treasured by the Master, and there is something about those who exhibit it that compels respect and efforts at emulation. But herein we will attempt to say a few different things about that “something” without recourse to the language of virtue ethics or subjectivity. Indeed, we will not even focus on individuals as agents but rather on the actions performed in the discharge of role responsibilities.

And we will further suggest that we best approach the Confucius of the text not by attempting to ascertain a philosophy he more or less promulgates, moral or other-wise, but rather as paradigmatic of fulfilling the role of teacher, and consequently we will have to attend equally to the specific qualities of the students receiving his in-structions.2 If our views can be sustained, not only will the Master have to be seen somewhat differently, but the whole basic idea of the moral agent as the locus of moral description, analysis, and evaluation will have to be rethought. And we will be suggesting a different, more personal way of approaching the text.

We leave as an open question for the reader whether we are explicating what the text meant to those who composed and edited it or proffering a contribution to contemporary philosophical issues; we believe our interpretations are more shy;reasonable as an account of how the text could have been read at the times it was written and compiled than others on offer, and we believe our conclusions have philosophical relevance today, but in either case, or both, we hope the pudding will be tasted.

Reading the Text

Some philology first. Ren was not a particularly common graph before the time of the Analects. The Guodian finds have it written with shen (as a pregnant woman) and xin (underneath), with the meaning unclear.3

The other few occurrences in the oracle bones and early bronzes are pretty much as we have the graph today: ren 人 and er 二.4 Kwong-loi Shun rehearses the debate among older Chinese scholars as to whether the original sense of the graph was a mark of the aristocracy or an attitude of a decent ruler toward his subjects.5 Ren occurs twice in the Shijing (Mao 毛 77 and 103), where it is translated as “kind” by Legge6 and Karlgren,7 and as “Good” by Waley.8 But the person being described in these poems is a well-known huntsman, and Lin Yu-sheng argues fairly persuasively on contextual grounds that ren should be rendered “manly” or “manhood” in these Shijing passages,9 which is consistent not only with the aristocratic account of the term, but also with the martial flavor that Brooks and Brooks attribute to it in their exegesis of Analects 4 (which for them is the oldest part).10

Warrior qualities are not to be found in Confuciusrsquo; employment of the term, but what he did mean by it is, to say the least, elusive. Apparently not even his students and associates were clear about what he meant by ren because he does not proffer a uniform definition of it—indeed, some of his semi-definitions are incompatible with each other—and worse, he gives different instructions on how to achieve it to each student who asks about it (6thinsp;:thinsp;22, 12thinsp;:thinsp;1, 12thinsp;:thinsp;2, 12thinsp;:thinsp;3, 17thinsp;:thinsp;6).11

Moreover, while it is supposedly quite difficult to commit oneself to ren even for a single day (4thinsp;:thinsp;6), it is at the same time right there if you want it (7thinsp;:thinsp;30). Deeds alone do not make one a ren person (5thinsp;:thinsp;19), nor can simply being a person of high integrityshy; and scrupulous honesty (5thinsp;:thinsp;8)—that is, English “ob



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