
 2022-10-18 10:44:51


摘 要


循迹搬运机器人是通过外部传感器感知环境信息,进行避障和循迹,本文提出了基于STM32单片机的循迹搬运机器人的设计与实现,目的是在特定工作环境下,以自动化的方式减少人力,保证安全的前提下,机器人按预定的轨迹行走,进行自动搬运。本设计使用两个单片机控制,STM32F103C8T6做主机,由蓝牙模块接收手机发送的数据,控制机器人的移动,并把数据发送给从机,控制机械手的移动。Arduino Uno R3做从机,接收主机和PS2无线手柄发送的数据,控制机械手的运行,并把数据发送给主机,控制机器人的移动。使用App Inventor编写手机App,通过手机蓝牙控制机器人的运行,使用PS2手柄可以线性的控制机械臂动作。



Based on the STM32 tracking handling robot design and implementation


With the development of industrialization and the improvement of automation level, more and more enterprises put forward higher requirements for the efficiency of logistics. Modern transportation means such as air, land and water transportation, to increase the speed of logistics transportation provides a good condition. As a result, the goods in storage and transport decided the speed of the logistics efficiency, people need a can be mobile, according to the desired trajectory and low investment, high efficiency, high safety of the robot. According to the above requirements, design of tracking moving robot, this paper realized the tracking carry, and you can use mobile phones and PS2 control handling robot obstacle avoidance and the function of tracking and handling of goods.

Tracking moving robot is through external sensors' environmental information, obstacle avoidance and tracing, is proposed in this paper, based on the STM32 MCU tracking moving robot, the design and implementation of aim is to work in a specific environment, in an automated way to reduce the manpower, guarantee under the premise of safety, walking robot according to the predetermined trajectory, automatic handling. This design USES two single-chip microcomputer control, STM32F103C8T6 do host, send data by bluetooth module receiving phone, to control the movement of the robot, and sends the data from the machine, to control the movement of manipulator. Arduino Uno R3 made from the machine, send data receiving host and PS2 wireless controller, control the operation of the manipulator, and sends the data to the host, control of mobile robot. Using App Inventor write mobile phone App, bluetooth mobile phone control the operation of the robot, using the PS2 controller can be linear control of the mechanical arm action.

After debugging, the robot can achieve stable operation, the mobile phone App remote control and wireless controller remote manipulator handling, tracking, obstacle avoidance turn after stopping, obstacle avoidance, and other functions, to achieve the expected goals, automate the cargo handling.

Key words: STM32,Arduino, Tracking moving robot, Bluetooth control, PS2 wireless controller control

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2 循迹搬运机器人国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 循迹搬运机器人国内研究现状 1

1.2.2 循迹搬运机器人国外研究现状 1

1.3 本文所做的主要设计和研究工作 1

第二章 循迹搬运机器人硬件系统设计 3

2.1 循迹机器人运动方式选择 3

2.2 循迹搬运机器人控制系统方案 3

2.3 循迹搬运机器人硬件设计 4

2.3.1 控制主板 4

2.3.2 TCRT5000红外反射传感器循迹模块 5

2.3.3 红外光电传感器避障模块 5

2.3.4 电机驱动模块 6

2.3.5 蓝牙模块 6

2.3.6 PS2无线手柄 7

2.3.7 MG90S舵机 7

2.4 硬件清单 8

2.5 本章小结 8

第三章 循迹搬运机器人程序设计 9

3.1 STM32F103系统程序设计 9

3.1.1 系统总体框图 9

3.1.2 红外循迹模块程序设计 9

3.1.3 红外避障模块程序设计 12

3.1.4 USART通信程序设计 14

3.2 Arduino Uno R3系统程序设计 15

3.2.1 系统总体框图 15

3.2.2 串口通信程序设计 15

3.2.3 PS2无线遥控程序设计 16

3.3 本章小结 16

第四章 循迹搬运机器人App设计 17

4.1 认识App Inventor 17

4.2 配置开发环境 17

4.3 循迹搬运机器人手机App需求分析 17

4.4 Android手机App开发 17

4.4.1 分配控制码 17

4.4.2 功能说明 18

4.4.3 App Inventor2的界面配置 20

4.4.4 手机蓝牙App编程 21

4.5 本章小结 29

第五章 调试过程 30

5.1 机器人功能调试 30

5.1.1 循迹功能 30

5.1.2 遇障后转弯功能 31

5.1.3 遇障后停止功能 32

5.1.4 机械手 33

5.1.5 手动运行 33

5.1.6 最终调试 34

5.2 通信 34

5.2.1 手机和STM32通信 35

5.2.2 PS2和Arduino通信 35

5.2.3 STM32和Arduino通信 35

5.3 循迹搬运机器人App 调试 36

5.4 遇到的问题及解决办法 36

5.4.1 手机通信问题 36

5.4.2 STM32与Arduino通信问题 38

第六章 总结与展望 39

6.1 总结 39

6.2 展望 39

致 谢 40

参考文献 41

第一章 引 言

1.1 课题研究背景及意义



1.2 循迹搬运机器人国内外研究现状

1.2.1 循迹搬运机器人国内研究现状


1.2.2 循迹搬运机器人国外研究现状


1.3 本文所做的主要设计和研究工作



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