
 2022-09-30 14:46:20


摘 要









Resistive sensing arrays are widely used in many fields, especially in the forefront of science and technology, and the way of reading the array of sensing circuit determines whether it can get a better application. In this context , it is of great significance to further study the sensing array reading method.

In this paper, a new method named reference method was studied and experimentally verified. The calibration resistor column is used to reduce the influence of the switching resistance, the output resistance buffers and some non-ideal characteristics of the amplifier such as input offset voltage, the effect of current.

First of all, in theory, through the derivation of the formula, the crosstalk can eventually be offset.Then, we conducted use the experiment to verify the actual performance of the method.

The first step, by using simulation tests, we have obtained the performance of this approach. In the simulation, the main focus was on the crosstalk cancellation of the switching resistor, the buffer resistance and the determination of calibration resistor.

At the same time, the method of the circuit's large resistance range was studied. By taking into account the actual hardware, we have determined its Application scope. In the second step, based on the simulation test data, the design scheme of the hardware was determined. The hardware circuit and the host computer software were perfected in the process of construction. The performance of the method was tested.

Finally, the results have showed that this method had higher measure precision compared with other methods. But the increase of components limited the scope of application of the method.

KEY WORDS: resistive sensing array, reading method, reference method, amplifier, crosstalk

目 录

摘 要 I


目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2课题研究的背景和意义 1

1.2.1 课题研究的背景 1

1.2.2 课题研究的目的和意义 2

1.3课题研究相关现状 2

1.3.1 阻性传感阵列读出电路的方法分类 2

1.3.2 阻性传感阵列典型扫描方法的特点以及趋势 2

1.4内容和结构安排 4

1.4.1 论文研究内容 4

1.4.2 论文结构安排 4

第二章 参比法阻性传感阵列读出电路的理论研究 6

2.1参比法阻性传感阵列读出电路的提出 6

2.1.1 参比法读出电路的基础 6

2.1.2 参比法读出电路的理论依据 8

2.2参比法读出电路的推导 9

2.3参比法读出电路的优越性 12

第三章 参比法阻性传感阵列读出电路的仿真实验 13

3.1 量程范围的测定 13

3.1.1 大量程范围读出特性 13

3.1.2小量程范围读出特性 16

3.1.3修正后的量程范围 16

3.1.4 结论 17

3.2开关内阻和缓冲电阻对被扫描电阻的影响 17

3.2.1 开关电阻低阻态测试 17

3.2.2开关电阻中阻态测试 18

3.2.3开关电阻高阻态测试 19

3.2.4 总结分析 19

3.3校准电阻对被扫描电阻的影响 22

第四章 参比法阻性传感阵列读出电路的硬件实现 24

4.1 硬件设计 24

4.2软件设计 26

4.3测试结果 27

第五章 总结与展望 30

5.1 全文总结 30

5.2 研究展望 31

致 谢 32

参考文献 33

第一章 绪论


传感阵列,是采用多种同性质的传感器或多种同类型的传感器。利用传感阵列对物体进行测试时,通过一定的测试方法处理即可得出待测物理量的结果,进而可以实现多传感器信息融合 [1]。目前,传感器阵列在各大领域均有着广泛的应用,并已经有着一些较为成熟的应用方案。在此背景下,对传感阵列以及决定其应用性能的读出方法的进一步研究有着深刻的意义。


1.2.1 课题研究的背景




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