
 2022-10-02 21:58:41


摘 要



在此基础上,借助Altium designer winter 09开发平台,进行了电路原理图的绘制,采用层次化原理图设计的方法,完整地绘制了电磁阀驱动电路系统的原理图。



With the development of diesel engine electronic control technology, high pressure common rail fuel injection system gradually overcome the shortcomings of traditional diesel engine,which provides a good opportunity for the development of automobile industry[30]. In addition, with energy crisis and regulations about energy-saving emission reduction become more and more popular nowadays, there are more stringent requirements for the pollutants of vehicle emissions.

Started by automobile industry's growth, the important role of solenoid valve in automobile fuel injection system is introduced afterwards in this paper. Based on the basic model of it, several common solenoid valve drive modes are clarified, and some common modes of capacitor-energy-storage solenoid valves are also analyzed in the paper. After comparing their merits and demerits, this paper designs an improved drive circuit based on dual voltage pulse width modulation, which combines the virtues of both. Considering the condition that the output of simple boost circuit is not stable, which doesn't meet the requirements for solenoid valve drive current, a flyback transformer is used as a boost component to supply a stable and accurate drive voltage for the energy storage capacitor and solenoid valve's coil. Various parts of solenoid valve drive system are analyzed in detail and reasonable plans are taken to solve the defects in this design.

On this basis, with the help of Altium designer winter 09 development platform, schematic circuit diagram is drawn, and by designing a hierarchical schematic diagram, this paper completely draws out the schematic diagram of solenoid valve drive circuit system.

KEY WORDS: High Pressure Common Rail, Solenoid Valve, Capacitor Energy Storage, Drive Circuit

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外高速电磁阀的研究现状 1

1.3 典型的电磁阀模型 2

1.3.1 电磁阀模型 2

1.3.2 电磁阀的驱动电流 2

1.3.3 其他影响电磁阀高速操作的因素 3

1.4 本文的主要工作 4

1.5 本章小结 4

第二章 电容储能式电磁阀 5

2.1 几种典型的驱动方式 5

2.1.1 可调电阻式 5

2.1.2 双电压式 6

2.1.3 脉宽调制式 6

2.1.4 双电压脉宽调制式 7

2.2 电容储能式电磁阀的驱动电路 7

2.2.1 一种简单的电容储能式电磁阀的驱动电路 8

2.2.2 带有电压电流检测反馈环的电容储能式电磁阀驱动电路 8

2.2.3 基于功率吸收的电容储能式电磁阀驱动电路 9

2.3 本章小结 9

第三章 功率转换电路建模与分析 10

3.1 功率转换电路的总体要求 10

3.2 电路各主要部分功能介绍 10

3.2.1 电源部分 11

3.2.2 升压、储能部分 11

3.2.3 电容放电 13

3.2.4 MOSFET驱动电路的光耦隔离 13

3.2.5 电压采样 14

3.2.6 电流采样 16

3.2.7 限流部分 17

3.3 关键器件及其技术要求 18

3.3.1 续流二极管 18

3.3.2 反激式变压器 18

3.3.3 LM2903电压比较器 19

3.3.4 TPS28xx系列驱动 19

3.3.5 PIC16C72单片机 19

3.4 本章小结 19

第四章 电路原理图设计 21

4.1 Altium designer winter 09介绍 21

4.2 电路原理图设计的思路 21

4.3 层次化电路原理图的设计 22

4.4 元件库的创建 22

4.5 各部分电路原理图 23

4.5.1 顶层原理图 23

4.5.2 电磁阀控制开关驱动电路 23

4.5.3 电源、采样电压电流比较电路以及单片机 24

4.5.4 升压储能、光耦隔离及限流部分 25

4.6 本章小结 25

第五章 总结与展望 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 29

第一章 绪论




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