2022-01-21 21:51:28

1. 研究目的与意义、国内外研究现状(文献综述)

Environmental risk assessment undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in environmental planning and environmental management. However, the significance and value that can be derived from this research is both theoretical and practical. The selection of this study based on alarming figures of death as a result of inappropriate pesticide use among farmers in developing countries such as Jamaica despite the benefit it has in controlling the proliferation of pests with varying uncertainty. Additionally, through this research, theoretically the study will gather information based on the current situation and can stimulate further discussions at the local and national level among stakeholders including policy makers that can lead to actions in remedying the situation.On the other hand, in terms of the practical significance of the study; it can provide the respective authorities both at the local and national level with relevant information both anecdotally and statically that can guide in the decision making process legislatively and intervention programme.

2. 研究的基本内容和问题

Several studies have found high levels of pesticide residues in both surface water and aquatic life in Jamaica and it is also believed that acute pesticide poisoning prevalent as well. The government has also collaborated with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in adopting safe pesticide disposal methods. Unfortunately, many farmers still display poor pesticide handling and disposal practices and do not understand the risk poses to the environment and human health. In this study we conduct an environmental risk assessment of farmersˇ pesticide handling and disposal practices in the Rio Grande Valley, Portland, Jamaica and will also examine environmental compensation that is commensurate to damage cause to the environment by polluters as remedy.RESEARCH OBJECTIVES In this study, an environmental risk assessment of farmersˇ pesticide handling and disposal practices in the Rio Grande Valley, Portland, Jamaica and will be conducted. The study will also examine the concept of environmental compensation as a remedy for damage cause to the environment by polluters.SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Specific objectives of this study include:I.To identify the awareness level of the farmers on (appropriate and inappropriate) handling and disposal of pesticides as well as the damages to the environment and its components.II.To conduct an environmental risk assessment of farmersˇ handling of pesticides and estimate the level of risk to the environment in its disposal.III.To identify pesticide fate and assess the impact of inappropriate pesticide on the environment IV.To evaluate appropriate environmental compensation required for damage to the environment from inappropriate disposal of pesticides.

3. 研究的方法与方案

RESEARCH DESIGNEnvironmental risk assessment is a process of predicting whether there may be a risk of adverse effects on the environment caused by chemical substance. However, when talking about environmental risk assessment, uncertainty cannot be left out of the parameter. It is inherent to any environmental system and it has two main origins-lack of environmental data, or randomness and variability of the system. Therefore, this will essentially utilize and be guided a mix methodological approach which includes Quantitative and Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) methods. This mix methodology approach was considered pertinent the research discourse given that environmental risk assessment being the central focus of the research is a methodology within and of itself. The use of a quantitative method in data collection will numerically gather data to further expound on the severity of the situation being examined. Three (3) modes of data collection will be used to assess pollution concentration. These include based on Predicted No-Effect Concentration Risk Quotient, Toxicity-Human-Health-Persistency (THP) approach and Probabilistic Approach and Predicted No-Effect Concentration Risk Quotient: 1)Toxicity-Human-Health-Persistency (THP):2)Probabilistic Approach 3)Predicted No-Effect Concentration Risk Quotient It is anticipated that the researcher will collect great quantities of information to outline inappropriate method of pesticide handling and disposal by famers on a daily basis. The data analysis will also begin while the data are being collected so that the researcher can discover additional information and decides whether to follow those leads for more intense investigation. The above approach will address specific objective (I) to (III).

4. 研究创新点

The Rio Grande Valley is located in the south-central part of parish Portland which is situated at latitude 1810' N and longitude 7527'W. Wedge between the Blue and Johncrow Mountains with an elevation of 3,000 feet and is noted for its fertile soil, beautiful scenery, and fine beaches. The main tributaries of the Rio Grande Valley are the Back and Stony Rivers which carves a gorge between that range and the John Crow Mountains. Further up the valley (above Fellowship) where the mountain ranges are closer together, the area is particular lush and beautiful with numerous streams and waterfalls. The biological diversity here is very high as the ecosystems of the two mountain ranges are quite different because the geology of the Blue Mountains volcanic and metamorphic and the John Crow Mountains are sedimentary (mainly limestone). The Rio Grande Valley is comprised of several communities such as Moor Town, Nanny Town and Corn Puss Gap.

5. 研究计划与进展

1. Literature review and sampling design Nov-Dec 20182. Preparation of data collection instruments Dec-Jan 20183. Field Work Feb -March 20184. Data cleaning, entry and analysis April 20185. Report Writing May

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