
 2021-10-27 10:10

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)


关键词:污水处理;氮、磷去除;a/a/o工艺;升级改造a/a/o process improvement and upgradingabstract: anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic process referred to as a/a/o process, the development has been 40 years of history, because of its simple process, can both nitrogen and phosphorus removal and treatment effect is good, so it has a more rapid development, and in the sewage treatment plant, community facilities such as sewage treatment station and industrial wastewater treatment system has a wide range of applications, this paper introduces the basic principle of the process and part of the a/a/o process improvements.key words: sewage treatment;nitrogen and phosphorus removal;a/a/o process;upgrade to improve 1、前言近年来,随着对水资源的日益重视及城镇污水排放标准不断提高,如何在现有工艺上进一步改进,提高污水中氮磷的去除率,成为目前水处理的热点。



2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案


一期工程污水处理规模为33 万m3 /d,一期扩容工程污水处理规模为17 万m3 /d,现状总规模为50 万m3 /d,出水执行《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》( gb 189182002) 二级标准,总占地面积达21. 43 万m2。

由于服务范围包括合流系统,因此现状进水泵房、细格栅及曝气沉砂池按照雨季规模99 万m3 /d 进行设计; 一期工程主体工艺采用氧化沟工艺,一期扩容工程主体工艺采用cass 工艺,现状污水厂无消毒设施。

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