
 2022-10-02 09:10


摘 要


本实验参考已有研究,利用道德能力测验(MCT),以及事件相关电位技术(Event-related potentials, ERP)测量学生在课程干预前后进行自编的基于DDA原则的道德判断任务时的脑反应,综合评估道德两难故事讨论法的实际效果。

MCT结果表明,从情感上看,被试对工人的偷窃行为多呈反对态度,而对医生对病人使用安乐死的行为多呈赞同态度。且被试在进行课程干预后,态度更加集中更加趋于理性。从认知上看,被试在课程干预后认知水平有了一定的提升。行为数据结果表明,被试对No harm行为赞成最多,而对Doing harm行为赞成最少。从反应时上看,被试在课程干预后,平均反应时显著变短,且对三种刺激区分更加明显。ERP结果表明,相比Doing harm行为和No harm行为,Allowing harm行为诱发N450效应更加显著。被试在进行课程干预后,对Allowing harm行为诱发的N450效应变小。对于LPP而言,Doing harm行为和No harm行为诱发的LPP成分均比Allowing harm行为更正,且差异更集中于额叶和顶叶区域。




Morality plays a vital role in the development of human relations in modern society. In the process of moral judgment, the role of emotional processing and cognitive processing is the main content of cognitive neuroscience research in recent years. With the development of brain imaging technology, the evidence of brain mechanism about moral judgment is emerging.

This study examines the brain responses of students based on the DDA principles based on the DDA principles before and after the course intervention, using the Moral Competence Test (MCT) and Event-related potentials (ERP) comprehensive evaluation of the practical effect of the Moral Dilemma Discussion.

MCT results show that, from the emotional point of view, the subjects of the theft of workers were mostly opposed to the attitude of the doctor on the use of euthanasia patients agree with the attitude. And the subjects in the course of intervention, the attitude is more focused and more rational. From the cognitive point of view, subjects in the course of intervention after the cognitive level has been improved. The results of the behavioral data show that the subjects are in favor of No abuse, and at least for Doing harm. From the reaction point of view, subjects in the course of intervention, the average response was significantly shorter, and the three stimuli to distinguish more obvious. The results of ERP show that the N450 effect is more significant than the Doing harm and No harm behavior. Subject to the course of intervention, the Allowing harm behavior induced N450 smaller. For LPP, the LPP composition induced by Doing harm and No harm behavior is more correct than the Allowing harm behavior, the differences were more concentrated in frontal and parietal regions.

These results show that the course intervention mainly affects the cognitive process of the subject's moral judgment. The intervention of the course has some help to the theoretical reasoning ability and the ability of moral judgment.

KEY WORDS: moral judgment; Method of Dilemma Discussion; ERPs; N450; LPP



论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日



论文作者签名: 导师签名:

日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 研究综述 1

1.1道德判断概述 1

1.1.1道德的定义 1

1.1.2道德判断的定义 1

1.1.3道德判断的评测方法 1

1.2道德判断认知机制理论模型 2

1.2.1理性推理模型 2

1.2.2社会直觉模型 2

1.2.3双加工模型 3

1.3影响道德判断的因素 4

1.4道德两难困境讨论法 4

第二章 问题提出及研究意义 5

2.1问题提出 5

2.2研究预期 5

2.3研究意义及创新 5

2.3.1研究意义 5

2.3.2研究创新 5

第三章 研究设计 6

3.1实验设计 6

3.2被试 6

3.3测量工具及实验材料 6

3.3.1道德能力测验 6

3.3.2 基于DDA原则的道德判断任务的事件相关电位技术研究 6

3.3.3道德两难故事讨论法 7

3.4 实验过程 7

3.5 数据处理与统计分析 8

第四章 数据分析与结果 10

4.1 MCT数据结果 10

4.1.1道德态度(情感)结果 10

4.1.2道德判断能力(认知)结果 10

4.2 行为数据结果 10

4.2.1 “赞成/反对”数据结果 10

4.2.2 平均反应时结果 11

4.3 ERP数据结果 11

4.3.1 N450 13

4.3.2 LPP 13

第五章 讨论 14

5.1 MCT量表与道德判断能力 14

5.2 行为数据结果与道德判断能力 14

5.3 N450反映了道德判断过程中的冲突检测 13

5.4 LPP反映了道德判断过程中的情绪调节、认知重评 13

5.5 研究不足与展望 15

第六章 结论 16

参考文献 17

附录1 18


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