
 2023-01-12 09:01


Kelly Trezise 2014 original research artical






情绪水平可能仍然也影响健康的能力,几个科学家研究出的结果表示。根据影响学术的过程和国际上的共同承认的学术act。很少有研究调查,随着时间的推移,这些相互作用的性质变化的可能性。担心是穿过了请求的能力过程,因此减少了wm能力的水平,那些可以使用的针对完成其他任务的wm水平。例如,科学家也发现了私人的情绪良好状态对于一个冷的处理数学的表现展现了一个压力,它展示了一个立刻增加的的水平在wm,否则私人的在一个自然的状态下显示了能有他们各自的任何的改变wm。结果测试出了特定的影响属于减少的情绪,这是一个在能力方面长期形成的更正的反应在一个直接判断任务方面的时候,更多的是关于解决数学问题方面的影响的时候。检查对抑制箭头的方向判断任务的正确反应的能力引起的情绪的影响。在中性和诱发的情绪条件下8 - 12岁的孩子两次完成任务,间隔3周。在一个自然状态下,孩子们完成了相同的具备箭头的判断任务,在一个相同的状态之下。在不断减少情绪状态投入的情况之下,箭头判断任务有一次被完成了。P和T两位科学家发现的结果表明,判断错误的案例在数学方面跟孩子们的情绪是有着千丝万缕的关系的,并且影响甚大,但是并非所有的孩子都是这样的,当然也有些是完全不同的。那么问题来了,有兴趣的问题是为什么有些人仍然不受情感的操作?是什么因素让一些人能更好地控制情绪的影响比其他人?然而,WM焦虑的关系是最常用的是检测算法,代数是在青春期早期年了。代数是假设是WM需要数学表达式的维护要求,算法和数学事实检索算法。



代数的WM任务是依据了转变和根源的转换任务,情绪转变使用了一些共同的符号标志。这个特定的任务是专门为测试wm的水平而设计的通过测试能力方面对于那些共同的案例,有利于去记住那些所谓的字母跟数学问题方面的数字符号。每一次尝试组成了一个平台,去解决数学问题的平台。代数表评价要求学生判断一种代数声明的准确性(例如,3Y 2 = 20;Y =, 2),他们判断通过使用一个及其关键的解决方案在他们的电脑之上,学生们被给予15个问题去解决并回答。他们被介绍过去做自己的判断在意个不断增加的情景上,并不是简简单单的解决数学问题这么容易。3times;4矩阵出现在屏幕上。这个任务很好的测试了学生们的能力去知晓观察并且注意两个问题之间的千丝万缕的联系。学生被介绍引荐去比较两个问题之间的联系区别,当然不是简简单单的解决问题而已。下面的每个判断,脸上的焦虑状态出现在了屏幕上,并且学生们联系他们的过去的经验去判断当前的数学问题的时候。他们给出的例子为非数学和数学实践。训练是不要求在第二会话,不知情的学生是他们的判断的准确性。





统计任务:担忧,更正对于wm和担忧任务,问题的解决和大致上的一些因素被报告在了一个表格上。第一,模型是最好的模式是和担心的关系。第二,有四种模式直接指向性的针对结果。第三,在wm担忧的关系在短时间的终结改变模式之上。根据时间的描述,最后,我们的论文的重点知识产权代数问题解决能力的预测。一个辅助理解的发现,每杯的地位更是担心在所有模式由相同的颜色。 我们的研究结果表明,认知情感关系可以在短时间内改变,和水平的认知和情感的变化/稳定性预测。低担心大的WM容量与稳定性。相反,随着时间的和推移,学生,和担心可能会进一步增加,表明其缺点是可能在短时间内增加。认知,情感,和解决问题的能力息息相关。我们的研究结果强调认知、情感对数学问题解决的变化的影响。具体地论证发展问题解决的任务与模型


对于学生,那些陈列出高的wm能力水平的学生来说,拥有高wm的他们更加可能去改变一个低wm水平的数据伴随着时间上的推移,建议担忧减少wm能力。那些发现报道支持了the ACT焦虑和不安,那些有高担忧的人将会减少wm,显而易见,意思就是会对正确处理数学上的问题带来一定的麻烦难以解决,担忧会给自己制造麻烦。






Kedlly Trezise and Robert A. Reeve,published,31 july,2014 original research artical


Cognition-emotion interactions:patterns of change and implications for math problem solving

Kedlly Trezise and Robert A. Reeve,published,31 july,2014 original research artical

Abstract:Surprisingly little is known about whether relationships between cognitive and emotional states remain stable or change over time, or how different patterns of stability and/or change in the relationships affect problem solving abilities. Nevertheless, cross-sectional studies show that anxiety/worryToinvestigatethepatternsofstabilityand/orchangeincognition-emotionrelations over time and their implications for problem solving, 126 14-year-oldsrsquo; algebraic WM and worry levels were assessed twice in a single day before completing an algebraic math problem solving test. and stability/change relationships. Among the subgroups, we identified a highWM/low worry subgroup that remained stable over time and a highWM/high worry, and a moderateWM/low worry subgroup that changed to lowWM subgroups over time. Patterns of stability/change in subgroup membership predicted algebraic test results.The stable highWM/low worry subgroup performed best and the lowWM capacity-high worry “unstable across time” subgroup performed worst.The findings highlight the importance of assessing variations in cognition-emotion relationships over time (rather than assessing cognition or emotion states alone) to account for differences in problem solving abilities.Keywords: working memory, worry/anxiety, math problem solving, individual differences, change

Theories of emotion regulation propose that WM plays an important role in the regulation of emotions (Van Dillen and Koole, 2007; Hofmann etal., 2011, 2012). Individual differences in WM capacity are linked to the ability to regulate emotional responses (Schmeichel etal., 2008; Schmeichel and Demaree, 2010). Schmeichel etal. (2008), for example, found that when instructed to neutralize an emotional response while viewing an emotive film,individuals with a greater WM capacity showed less emotional facial expressions and reported more neutral mood,

compared to those with a smaller WM capacity. In another study, individuals with low WM showed an increase in negative affect in response to negative feedback, whereas high WM individuals did not show an increase (Schmeichel and Demaree,2010).

Emotion states may also affect cognitive abilities (Richards and Gross, 2000; Eysenck etal., 2007). According to the processing efficiency theory and attentional control theory (ACT), worry (the cognitive component of anxiety) is thought to require processing capacity, thus reducing WM capacity available for other tasks (Eysenck and Calvo, 1992; Ashcraft and Kirk, 2001; Derakshan and Eysenck, 2009; Eysenck and Derakshan, 2011). Schoofs etal. (2009),for example,found that individuals exposed to a cold-induced stress manipulation, showed an immediate decrease in their WM, whereas individuals in a neutral condition showed no change to WM. Pnevmatikos and Trikkaliotis (2013) examined the impact of induced emotions on the ability to inhibit incorrect responses in an arrow direction judging task. 8- to 12-year-olds completed the task under neutral and induced emotion conditions twice, 3 weeks apart. In the neutral condition, children completed the same arrow judgment task on both occasions. In the induced emotion condition, and the arrow judging task completed again. Pnevmatikos and Trikkaliotis (2013) findings show the pattern of judgment errors were associated with emotion states for most, but not all children. A question of some interest is why do some individuals remain impervious to emotional manipulations? What factors allow some individuals better able to control the impact of emotions than others?

However, WM-anxiety relationships are most commonly examined in the context of arithmetic. Algebra is introduced during early adolescence years. Algebra is hypothesized to be WM demanding as it requires maintenance of math expressions, retrieval of algorithms and math facts, and inhibition of arithmetic responses (Tolar etal.,2009).

We use latent transition analysis (LTA) to examine patterns of change/ stability. LTA is a person-centered approach for identifying clusters of individuals who share similar response patterns (Nylund, 2007; Bray etal., 2010; Lanza etal., 2010). More specifically, LTA models subgroup membership over discrete time intervals, and does not rely on common modeling assumptions (e.g., the presence of normal distribution and linear relationships). Moreover, To our knowledge, LTA has not been used to examine stability/change relationships between cognition and emotion in math; however, it has been used to examine stability and change in personality development (Meeus etal., 2011), academic motivation (Marcoulides etal., 2008), and Piagetian stages of cognitivedevelopment(Dolanetal.,2004). Meeusetal.(2011), for example, used LTA to characterize transitions in personality in adolescence: they identified personality types associated with change and others that marked “the end point” of personality development.


The Algebraic WM task was based on Turner and Englersquo;s (1989) operation span task, modified to use alphanumeric symbols. The task was designed to examine domain-relevant WM by assessing the ability to both appraise algebraic statements, and remember alphanumeric symbols (see Figure 2). Each trial consisted of an algebraic statement appraisal, and the presentation of an algebraic symbol to remember. Algebraic statement appraisal required students to judge the accuracy of an algebraic statement (e.g., 3y 2 = 20; y = 2) and indicate their judgment by pressing a key on their computer (students were given 15 s to respond). They were instructed to make judgments of the accuracy of algebraic statements, rather than solve equations. An alphanumeric symbol then appeared on the screen (e.g., “4x”) for 1600 ms.

The task examines studen



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