Analysis of Tragic Fate of Tess开题报告

 2022-06-15 11:06

1. 研究目的与意义

this thesis aims to analyze tess#8217;s tragic fate in the novel called tess of the d#8217;urbervilles

the essay is to analyze the tragic fate of tess because there might be some reasons why this novel can be so successful and there might be some delicate connections between them. this kind of study can give readers a different way of appreciating the novel. some typical characters in this novel are to help analyze tess#8217;s tragic fate..

through the analysis of the causes of tess#8217;s tragedy, more students can realize the significance of analyzing some characters. by analyzing, more people would appreciate this novel and learn to be more humanistic and sympathetic, and our society would become more harmonious and just.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

Tess of the D#8217;urbervilles is a tragic story of a beautiful country girl called Tess. The thesis intends to give a detailed analysis to the reasons of the tragic fate of Tess. This paper proclaims her tragic fate and analyses the causes of her tragedy from three aspects. The first aspect is about Tess#8217;s own internal characteristics. The second one is the external causes of this tragedy, that is social environment and people Tess met. The last one talks about the author#8217;s arrangement about coincidences in her life.

What are the main character features of Tess ? How does the character affect her fate? What about the external environment? How does the author arrange these coincidences? These types of questions would be discussed in the paper primarily.

3. 国内外研究现状

there are some studies about the reasons of tess#8217;s tragic fate in western and china. scholars seem to be more willing to study the reasons of tess#8217;s tragic fate from the perspective of the author hardy. so this essay may gather information through each possible channel. a sequel of articles may analyze relations between the author#8217;s personal fatalism and the character#8217;s fate. it will give people more information to understand the behind reasons of the tragic fate of tess.

however, some scholars analyze tess#8217;s fate from other aspects. take gao yufeng#8217;s research for example. she gives interpretation of tess#8217;s fate from four parts: economical and social reasons, oppression from religion and tradition, influence from alec and clair, tess#8217;s weak points in character. this helps me have a good understanding of the character in a totally different way. so this essay may make the addition of other reasons from my own points.

in foreign countries, some scholars attach great importance to the tragic fate of tess. in 2008, the story of tess has been adapted into a popular film. this helps me analyze the tragic fate of tess from another perspective.


4. 计划与进度安排


2.literary review of tess#8217;s tragic fate

3.internal causes of tess''''s tragedy: dual nature of character


5. 参考文献

1.falicia bonaparte.the deadly misreading of mythic texts: thomas hardy#8217;s tess of the d#8217;urbervilles[j].international journal of the classic tradition,1999(3)415-431.

2. noorbakhsh hooti. the apprehensive and suppressed soul of the fallen women in thomas hardy#8217;s tess of the d#8217;urbervilles[j].theory and practice

in language studies,2011(6)230-234.

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