Interpretation of Life Value in Lagoon开题报告

 2022-07-13 22:07:03

1. 研究目的与意义

It#8217;s interesting to analyse the characters#8217; inner world through their indirect body languages and the reflections of the surroundings.The lagoon is like a dark mirror,with no images but a sense.The heart of darkness is a kind of unknown soul of flowers,appealing to people to approach it but keeping the awareness of danger.The sun cannot shine the lagoon.It is the deep charm of lagoon.The lagoon#8217;s beauty does not lie in its scale or length.A drop is the symbol of it and takes the spirit.Even if it disappears,the hidden existence of it also marched the livings on.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

the serect feeling of lagoon 1) the description of characters and surroundings 2) the mysterious atmosphere and complex expressions in lagoon.3) the symbol of lagoon in some way as the heart of human beings.4) the concrete decipherment of lagoon#8217;s symbolism

3. 国内外研究现状

Home:1.colours:the symbolism in colours and still lifes-black and white,shadow and light:the opposite sides represent the clue-conflicts still lifes:isolation,stagnation and death blend into and reflect the lagoon.2.the opposing of id and superego-Id is the emotionally natural will of submitting to the initial instinct. Superego is the mirror of outer world inside,the acquired horme in pursuit of the shine and growth.Abroad:3.tragical art in the west-skills:comparison,image of wholly darkness, the kind and the evil4.narration in#8217;#8217;frame#8217;-Arsart#8217;s senseable description and the white man#8217;s invisible written line (narrator listener)5.women#8217;s stereotype image - the brotherhood broker and fate fighter

4. 计划与进度安排

2022/12-2022/01gather materials on the wotk and the author2022/01-2022/02gather materials on writhing skills and 2022/02-2022/03write first draft2022/03-2022/04revise the paper under the guidance of the teacherOutline1. Introduction of the writer and the work Life and story content2. Further analysis of symbolism in the work2.1 Scenic symbols2.2 Hidden meanings2.3 Hidden emotions3. Interpretation of Life Value in Lagoon3.1 Characters#8217; fates3.2 Social relationships3.3 Perspective of the World4.The connection of Conrad#8217;s life experience with the work4.1 Forming into the work style 4.2 Moulding of the work tone5.Conclusion Generalization and its expandings

5. 参考文献

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