国外媒体中国第一夫人报道的符号学解读The Semiologic Interpretation of Foreign Media s Reports about Chinas First Lady开题报告

 2021-08-14 02:08

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

after peng liyuan had made her debut as china's first lady in march, 2013 in her first overseas trip accompanying xi, china's new state president, almost every media around the world all appreciated her elegant sartorial choices and radiant smile. over the period of time, her impact and image have become the heated topics for the subjects of study.

however, the foreign scholars trended to regard her as china’s newly first lady in comparison of michelle obama, first lady of america. and she was more likely to be accented by her power of the soft diplomacy for she opened up new dimension in our foreign affairs as a diplomatic star in academe. what’s more, reports about peng liyuan give a preference to judge on her fashionable style and taste with scores of chinese elements. when it comes to indigenous researches, a great number of papers rested upon her are connected with her political influence as well as diplomatic touch since she broke the diplomatic deadlock between the west and the east. even though peng liyuan is regarded as an affine image of china, people prefer her diplomatic power rather her own image as a chinese female. but it’s evident that her fascination is more than her political power and diplomatic capacity. her role represented as a female, mother and wife is prior to her international impact. above all else she is a symbol of all the average chinese female.

scholars abroad has studied several chinese females like may ling soong chiang and jiang qing before the chairman xi came to power. however, these two women can’t represent the whole chinese females on account of soong’ study abroad experience and the rebel of jiang. a real proxy of chinese female should have a common with numerous women. so, the researches for chinese female by setting an example of peng liyuan are necessary for she is a representation of chinese ordinary females and unique women fascination in academic studies.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

The paper is to accentuate the words and images of China’s First Lady adopted by the foreign media such as CNN, Washington Post, NPR, New York Times and the hot comments given by foreign cyber friends. With that as a basis, the reports about her visit to the local schools, children hospitals as well as orphan asylums, participation of music activities and reception of foreign first ladies ranging from her first debut in March, 2013 to November, 2015 are going to be collected. By means of making two comparisons in words selection and part of speech: one is compared with the well-known Chinese female figures before the chairman Xi was in power, another is with the American First Lady, it is expected to concentrate on the changes and differences between the western and eastern female roles mainly from sentimental color, vivid color and time color. All those description of appreciation, as an integration of ideographical expression activities, will be considered as social information to analyze in the prospective of semiology. And then through the analysis of the icon, index and symbol covered in reports to describe Peng Liyuan, the semiotic features between her and ordinary people are expected to be highlighted. Some papers about semiotic study will also be listed on required documents. Moreover, the survey will stress on the comments given by Chinese female netizens about their new first lady, which would embody a real First Lady’ image in eyes of Chinese.

3. 研究计划与安排

before 20th january : settlement of the title

before20th march: submission of the outline

before 25th april : submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

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