基于汽车专业词典的英语单词 普通含义与专业含义的研究开题报告

 2021-11-07 22:59:14

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

english majors in china get almost the same kind of english education, no matter teaching theory or learning materials. it’s since college education that english majors generally get familiar with memory strategies of vocabulary, theories of root and affix, and lexicology and so on. there are a majority of works, papers taking the basic constitute of english not on vocabulary anymore, but smaller. for example,english roots and how to use them to decipher their derivativesby pingwu li gives the idea that any single english word that carries effective meaning, even the shortest one can be seen as derivative. beside of systematic literature education, a significance difference between english majors and non-english majors on english ability.

while one recognizes this difference, more professional and effective english education for non-english majors is demanded now, such as automatic majors. when china collaborates more day by day, automatic industry also demands taking in much new blood form western world. it gets normal that college students choose to continue their study abroad or learn deeper on english after school. that way, english teaching foe non-english majors need more professional theories. considering the practical needs of specialized english, vocabulary shall become basic of everything. learners and educational workers have done such researches.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

This paper focus on the comparison between general meaning and meaning in special field of vocabulary a college student might master, probably similar level as CET4 considering the comparability. First is introduction on the urgent needs of improvement on Automatic English teaching and learning on special field. Contrast between globalization trend of Automatic industry in China and inefficient English ability in special field will be taken as background. Second, example of researches on Automatic English will be listed to show the importance of vocabulary. Third, roots and affix research will be listed to show there are rules between different meanings of a certain word.

Papers on vocabulary of English in special field is not adequate, so I might collaborate two dictionaries and rules of derivative based on information I can encounter to partly give some practical rules for English vocabulary learning or teaching in special field. Since my knowledge, I will keep the whole paper practical but not try to summarize them to theory.

3. 研究计划与安排

before4thjanuary:settlement of the title

before28thfebruarysubmission of the outline

before 29thapril:submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

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