Jane Austens View of Marriage Embodied in Pride and Prejudice开题报告

 2022-08-09 09:05:39

1. 研究目的与意义

It#8217;s universally acknowledged that Jane Austen was a famous British realistic novelist in the nineteenth century, who was known as the British female Shakespeare. Austen lived in the countryside for many years and her novels were always themed by village life, which were mainly about the love story of the young people in the countryside. Through the twist and turns of couples, Austen drew a picture of British rural love and marriage, reflecting the social life in Britain from an important respect. In the era which Austen lived, man was the center of the family while the status of women was very low. The responsibility of women was to contribute to their husbands and families. Therefore, it was difficult for women to have chance to be independent, and they can only regard marriage as the most important destination. In this case, it was essential for women to choose what kind of marriage at that time. This is why Austen most concerning the marriage issue. In the same vein, that#8217;s why I choose this topic.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

the content of thesis: the thesis will analyze the background of pride and prejudice. as a realistic novelist, the view of marriage expressed in pride and prejudice are actually a true portrayal of marital status in austen#8217;s time. the formation of austen#8217;s view on marriage stems from the three aspects: marriage in her time; her personal life experience and her own love life. then the thesis will analyze five types of marriage depicted in pride and prejudice, through which austen fully expressed her views on marriage in her time. last, it will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of austen#8217;s views on marriage in pride and prejudice. the merits are the education which austen posed and the love in the book. the limitation is that austen didn#8217;t offer resolutions to women.

problems to be solved: the essay will analyze jane austen#8217;s view on marriage embodied in pride and prejudice and talk about the progressiveness and limitations about austen#8217;s view.


3. 国内外研究现状

li hongli holds that austen#8217;s view on marriage: marriage only basing on love can be happy while marrying for money or others will be the opposite. although the property and social status play an essential role in marriage, we can#8217;t marry only for it.

lina widlund in a comparative analysis of the marriage in jane austen#8217;s pride and prejudice thinks that women will be influenced by their mothers when they choose their companions. so the secular vision and the mothers have an important impact on women#8217;s choice of their marriage.

zhang cong considers that austen#8217;s view of marriage: a perfect love needs a certain material foundation through the love stories of four young pairs which she portrayed in pride and prejudice.


4. 计划与进度安排

before 2022-11-10--determining the topic of the essay, making a plan and searching for materials concerned.

before 2022-11-3--finishing the thesis proposal and handing it to the instructor

before 2022-3-18--searching for the related materials and essays such as documents, the collection of theses and publication to finish the script and pass through the mid-term inspection


5. 参考文献

[1] cecil, david. portrait of jane austen[m]. london, penguin,


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