
 2022-10-14 04:10


摘 要





Three-dimensional design and finite element analysis of nc rotary table


The finish of the graduation design topic is about the nc rotary table, 3 d design of nc rotary table it, and the finite element analysis, to understand the working principle of the nc rotary table, it is suitable for the machining of continuous rotary plate and box body etc, and surface processing, control is the numerical control system, from the project research and production, let us more college students to master the mechanical design methods and steps, the main content of this design is a 3 d modeling of nc rotary table, its assembly drawing, and carries on the finite element analysis,Familiar with AUTO-CAD,UG,ANASYD operation is very important.

To the design of the nc rotary table, first of all, the design scheme of its, first we want to analyze the transmission scheme, it USES gear transmission and the turbine worm drive, the second is the calculation and checking of each parts for 3 d modeling and assembly drawing, and then the finite element analysis, the final export its components engineering drawing.Its work is familiar with a variety of operational steps have reached the completion of the design content.

CNC machine work is mainly done by nc rotary table, through the x, y, z three axes linkage, shaft for processing various parts, the surface precision of freedom degree, and then realize the machine tool processing, CNC rotary table separate loop and closed loop, through some parts of the research can greatly improve the production.

Keywords: Nc rotary table;Gear; Worm gear; Finite element analysis

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 引 言 1

1.1 本课题的学术背景与实际意义 1

1.1.1数控机床的研究现状 1

1.1.2数控机床未来的发展趋势 2

1.1.3数控回转工作台的市场分析 2

1.2数控回转工作台的功能 3

1.3本课题它所研究的主要内容 4

1.4设计准则和技术要求 4

第二章 数控回转设计方案设计 5

2.1 确定数控回转工作台传动方案 5

2.1.1 合理的传动方案应满足的要求 5

2.1.2 典型传动方式的特点 5

2.1.3 分析及确定传动方案 5

2.2 直流伺服电机的选择 6

2.3 数控回转工作台类型的选择 7

图2.3 闭环式数控回转工作台 8

第三章 分析设计计算主要零件 9

3.1 工作台箱体的设计 9

3.2 确定传动比 9

3.3 齿轮传动的设计 10

3.3.1 查表确定各传动链接零件的效率 10

3.3.2 齿轮的设计 10

3.3.3 按齿面接触疲劳强度设计 10

3.3.4 按齿根弯曲强度设计 12

3.3.5 几何尺寸计算 13

3.3.6 结构设计 13

3.4 蜗轮及蜗杆的设计 14

3.4.1 蜗杆的传动类型 15

3.4.2 选择涡轮蜗杆材料 15

3.4.3 根据齿面接触疲劳强度的要求对蜗轮蜗杆进行设计 15

3.4.4 根据上述计算的所得数据去确定蜗杆与蜗轮的主要参数和几何尺寸 16

3.4.5 蜗轮齿面接触强度的校核 16

3.4.6 选定蜗轮蜗杆的精度等级 17

3.5 其中主要轴的设计 17

3.6 键联接的选择 18

3.6.1 键联接的类型 18

3.6.2 键联接的尺寸 18

3.6.3 验算键联接强度 18

3.7 轴承的选择 18

3.7.1 轴承的分析与选定 19

第四章 有限元分析 20

4.1齿面接触的有限元分析 20

4.2蜗杆受力有限元分析 27

第五章 结束语 31

致 谢 32

参考文献 33

附 录 34

  1. 引 言

1.1 本课题的学术背景与实际意义



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