Sexism in English Language开题报告

 2022-06-20 10:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Since the very first feminist movement happened, sexism has been a thorny issue existing in the society for centuries. Coincidentally, language is an accurate reflection of social phenomenona. Inevitably, sexism is reflected in language as well. Studying sexism in English language is an essential approach for us to understand the sexism at home and abroad, and studying sexism will help us to realize the gender discrimination in our society.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

My paper will focus on the issue of gender discrimination existing in English language, including the factors of gender-biased occurrence and some significant methods of the correct usage of pronouns. will be offered to readers. The causes of sexism in English language will be discussed in the first part. Then, some phenomena of gender discrimination will be described. Finally, significant methods to avoid sexism will be given .

3. 国内外研究现状

As a hot topic existed for centuries, researches on sexism in language have never been stopped , whatever the foreign scholars or domestic ones. For examples, Cameron, D. from London, analyzed in The Feminist Critique of Language , Feminism amp; Linguistic Theory, and 《文化语境与语言翻译》was written by Bao Huinan in China. On account of the existence of gender-biased phenomenon in English language, social equality has raised abundant divergences. In the history or even now, it seems that males are always superior to females in life. In order to learn the factors of discrimination and find out some effective means to eliminate sexual discrimination, the author of the present paper will attempt to analyze this topic.

4. 计划与进度安排

I. Introduction Language is regarded as an integrated reflection of social phenomena, thus, it is a valid method for human beings to find gender discrimination. Masculism throughout history has been a priority rather than feminism. Obviously, females are always subordinated in whatever life or jobs. The history is dominated by males and even the current society is the world for men, it is time for us to correct the misuse in language and give explanation to avoid inequality in genders. The society is created by both males and females, hence, females are supposed to possess the same status as males. As a consequence, analyzing the causes of sexism in English language and find out some effective approaches to avert male-centered pronouns is of crucial importance to envisage social equality. 1. The Conception of Sexism 2. The Background of Sexism 3. The Basic Features of Sexism II. Factors Causing Sexism 1. Social Consciousness 1.1 Society-based Factors 1.2 Economic Factors 2. Cultural Consciousness 2.1 Historical Factors 2.2 Factors of Customs 3. Psychological Factors III. Sexist Language in English 1. Application of Sexual Words in Vocabulary 1.1 Composition of Words 1.2 Phrases and Sentences 2. Sexual Expressions in Word Order and Appellation 2.1 Sexism in Word Order 2.2 Sexism in Appellation 3. Sexism in English Speech 3.1 Sexism in Semantics 3.2 Sexist Jokes 3.3 Sexism in Proverbs IV. Transformation of Sexual Words in English Language 1. Avoiding the Usage of Sexist words 2. Advocating the Usage of New Non-Sexist Words V. Conclusion My paper will mainly discuss the history, factors and current phenomenon of sexism in English language. Apparently, sexism is a universal social problem to be solved. Sexism has been a social issue for centuries, and females are always playing disadvantaged roles in society. Every bean has its black, it is the same for our society. Though feminist movements of the past and present have not totally changed the condition of females#8217; status, the sense of equality has been more and more realized by the public It may be a permanent conundrum for humanity to figure out ways to create a equal society without any gender discrimination. Nonetheless, methods mentioned in my paper can be a start for readers to set about reducing the discrimination of genders in English language. With increasing concerns on sexism, social equality could be finally achieved.

5. 参考文献

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