The Differences of the Dietary Cultures between China and the West开题报告

 2022-06-23 08:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Diet is the base of survival and development, with no exception in China or the West. Dietary culture plays an important part in the colliding between the Chinese and western culture. With the accelerated process of globalization , cross-cultural communication has become more and more frequent, among which dietary culture has been the most basic content. Due to the different cultures, which develop various concepts of the diet,China and the West have formed their own distinctive dietary cultures. The dissertation enables us to understand the significance of the cross- cultural communication in diet.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This paper will analyze the dietary features of China and the West,and the different dietary concepts of Chinese and the western people.The differences will be stated in raw materials, cooking production, table manners and the order of serving dishes. History, geography and dietary habit will be considered as the causes of the differences in diet. The aim of the paper is to facilitate the efficient communication between Chinese and Westerners,and how to avoid the embarrassment in cross-cultural communication.

3. 国内外研究现状

There have been many researches on the introduction of dietary characteristics in different countries, the comparison of dietary culture between China and the Western countries, the reasons result in the different dietary cultures. Because diet is closely related to our lives, more and more scholars focus on the cross- cultural communication of diet. A lot of academic journals and compositions publish the dissertations of dietary culture. These phenomenon demonstrate that dietary culture is attracted by the public, which plays an essential part for different nations to communicate. As the development of the globalization, diet will become the hot spot for people from various countries to learn from each other.That is why I attempt to make a research on this topic.

4. 计划与进度安排

1.Introduction 2.The concept of the dietary culture in China and the west2.1. Chinese dietary concept2.2. Western dietary concept3. Different features in dietary culture3.1 Difference in raw materials3.2 Difference in cooking production3.3 Difference in table manners3.4 Difference in order of serving dishes4. The reasons of different dietary culture4.1 Historical reason4.2 Geographical reason4.3 Dietary habit5. Conclusion

5. 参考文献

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