An Analysis of Oliver’s Character in Oliver Twist开题报告

 2022-06-26 11:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Charles Dickens was the most outstanding critical realist in the nineteenth century in the Britain and Oliver Twist was one of his masterpieces. Through the analysis of Oliver#8217;s character, we can understand the social background in the nineteenth century in the Britain which effected his character and know the author better about the author#8217;s life experience, writing style and his attitude towards the society he lived in.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

My paper will analyze the Oliver#8217;s character. The first part will focus on the reasons of the character from historical background, social background and ideological background. Then, the paper will study how the author shape the character from personalized language and comparison with other evil figures. Finally, the character will be explored in detail.

3. 国内外研究现状

Both Chinese and foreign scholars have analyzed Oliver#8217;s character and studied the reasons for his character, for example, Forster, Johnson.E.D.H, Fred, Guan xulan. They have expressed their opinions about Oliver#8217;s character. Lu Jianguo, from China, has offered his opinion through Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist.

4. 计划与进度安排

i. introduction charles dickens is the founder of critical realistic literature in the nineteenth century and oliver twist is one of the most important social novels in his works. when he wrote oliver twist, the capitalism was forcing the poor to lead a miserable life. combining his own experience and social environment, he took the relationship between good and evil as the main device to reflect the value of requirements in the community between people. dickens believed in the existence of goodness, so he set the plot that however dirty and criminal environment oliver faced, he still remained kind, pure and brave. 1.the author: charles dickens 2.the definition of critical realism

ii. analysis of oliver#8217;s character

2.1 the formation of the character 2.1.1 historical background 2.1.2 social background 2.1.3 ideological background 2.2 the shape of the character 2.2.1 personalized language 2.2.2. comparison with other evil people 2.2.3. coincidence 2.3 character 2.3.1. oliver#8217;s kindness 2.3.2. oliver#8217;s purity 2.3.3. oliver#8217;s brave 2.3.4 oliver''s optimism


5. 参考文献

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