Approaches to Translation of English Film Titles开题报告

 2022-06-26 11:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Movies nowadays play important roles in cross-cultural communication, especially English movies which express the western culture and values to people all over the world. In order to better understand the English films, the translation of English film titles is of great importance. However, the film titles are always short and full of profound meanings and the translation of them is not so easy. Analyzing the approaches to the translation of English film titles can help us improve our translating ability and have a better idea of English films as well.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

My paper gives a brief introduction to the film titles and their features and tries to offer some approaches to the translation of English film titles. In the first part, this paper points out the characteristics and significance of English film titles to draw translators#8217; attention towards them. And then it introduces several basic methods to the translation of English film titles and put forward some requirements on the title translation and translators.

3. 国内外研究现状

There are some former research papers written by both foreign and Chinese scholars that are related to this topic, such as论欧美影片译名的意境美(全春阳,2005) introducing cultural influence on the translation of English film titles. However, my research paper is mainly aimed at introducing the proper methods used in the translation of English film titles by using some detail examples and tries to draw translators#8217; awareness of the significance of title translation.

4. 计划与进度安排

1. Introduction Films are more than an industry but a comprehensive art, which can educate people by telling a complete story or shake people#8217;s heart by exhibiting some exquisite scenes. When translating English films into Chinese, translators are required to use a few words to express the original meaning and make the title easy to remember by those who have seen it. Proper approaches are needed to translate titles accurately. 2. The Analysis of English Movie Titles 2.1 Types of English film titles. 2.2 The function of English film titles 2.2.1 Information value function 2.2.2 Aesthetic functions 2.2.3 Commercial functions 2.2.4 Cultural value function 3. The Translation Principles of English Film Title 3.1 Corresponding with the film and being easily understood 3.2 Concise and easy to be remembered 3.3 Attracting audience and increasing the box-office income 4. The Translation Methods of English Film Titles 4.1 Transliteration 4.2 Literal Translation 4.3 Supplementary Translation 4.4 Free Translation 5. Conclusion The translation of the film titles is a special process of re-creation. It isn#8217;t simple to obey the content and the forms of the original titles. It#8217;s a hard exploration to the film themes, social problems, the ethnic association and national condition. English film titles have unique characteristics and important value. Although there may be many difficulties in translating English film titles, we can still refer to the basic translation approaches and principles to master the translation of English film titles.

5. 参考文献

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