可理解性输入理论指导下浅议高中生英语阅读能力的提高 An Analysis on Improving Senior School Students’ English Reading Ability Based on Comprehensible Input Hypothesis开题报告

 2023-01-04 11:16:01

1. 研究目的与意义

可理解性输入理论指导下浅议高中生英语阅读能力的提高An Analysis on Improving Senior School Students English Reading Ability Based on Comprehensible Input Hypothesis

2. 文献综述

English reading is widely seen as an effective way in helping students to study English and fundamental improve their English language competence.In the current high school students reading is always do the following steps, first of all reading the reading material. And then the teacher will explain the contents of the material in the classroom and solve some problem of vocabulary and grammar, and do some exercises. Finally, teachers will ask to remember vocabulary and phrase after-school .We can find there are lots of problem in these mechanization steps based on the input hypothesis. First of all, student lost a clear reading goal. Secondly, teachers focus on vocabulary and grammar in the class. Most of the students' brains are in a state of restraint. It is difficult to stimulate students interest in English reading. Finally, after-school exercises just can detect students' understanding of reading materials. And it can not reflect the reading skills. If students do like this, they can only learn fixed knowledge but can not learn the reading skills. So they need comprehensible input in the reading and they need to be excited interest. This can really improve the students reading ability.

3. 设计方案和技术路线


4. 工作计划


5. 难点与创新点

Krashen believes that what learners need is comprehensible input and the hypothesis strengthens that language is not something that one can learn through teaching, it is something formed through great number of comprehensible input for a long time, so it is shown that comprehensible is the key to acquire language. Based on previous studies, it is suggested that choosing interesting, comprehensible and relative reading materials as well as text and cultural context to understand reading material can be helpful to effectively improve reading ability and reading efficiency. Under valid reading situation, great number of reading can raise reading efficiency, motivate students to read more and understand text better to reduce reading difficulty.

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