Manifestation of Absurdity in the Theme of Winesburg, Ohio开题报告

 2022-07-17 13:58:49

1. 研究目的与意义

Upon its publication, Winesburg, Ohio by Anderson caused a great sensation and was highly spoken of. Obviously the novel was one of the earliest to reveal American people#8217;s depression, loneliness, and frustration amid their life in American small towns, but what Anderson demonstrated in the novel is quite different from those in praise of small town life. The characters living in Winesburg, Ohio under his pen are extremely absurd for being unable to express their desires for love and understanding. To some extent, the absurdity shown in the novel still pervades in our modern life, and thus exploring the absurdity in the theme of the novel is not only helpful to appreciate the aesthetic value of the great work, but it also will help us to know better human#8217;s psychological problems emerging in today#8217;s society.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1. the origin and main characteristics of the absurdity style.

2. concrete embodiment of absurdity in grotesques in the novel.


3. 国内外研究现状

winesburg, ohio is a great literature work well-known to america and beyond. it has been read and studied extensively both at home and abroad. additionally, the study on the novel covers a wide range of fields like history, geography, biography, etc. renowned scholars working on anderson and the novel are increasing, and related research achievements are constantly published.

at home, the academia generally focused their studies on such aspects as anderson''''s writing skills, main themes, and analysis of grotesques#8217; images in his novel. and the relative papers were published on various journals, periodicals, and newspapers like foreign literature review, studies of foreign literature and so on. in some of those papers, even a comparison is made between the novel and works of chinese writers like lu xun and shen congwen. however, few studies are focused on the in-depth study of absurdity in the theme of novel.

in foreign countries, since 1980s, critics in america and beyond have come to realize anderson#8217;s contributions to american literature. they explored the novel from a host of perspectives and jointly published collected papers that are far-reaching and full of reference value. to date, the translations and republications of the novel continue to rise across the globe, and the number of its readers is increasing without stop. accordingly, a study of the absurdity in the theme of winesburg, ohio is meaningful to enrich researches of anderson#8217;s works.


4. 计划与进度安排

1.introduction experience and writing style of sherwood anderson

2.1 writing career


5. 参考文献

[1]. anderson, sherwood. winesburg, ohio[m]. shanghai: foreign language education press, 2006.

[2]. anderson, sherwood. sherwood anderson#8217;s memoirs[m]. new york: harcourt, brace and company, 1952.

[3]. lihua zhang. the book of the grotesque and winesburg, ohio[j]. journal of language teaching and research, 2014.

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