Pragmatic Values and Translation of Ambiguous Words in Advertising English开题报告

 2022-06-20 10:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Advertising English is characterized by its originality,flexibility of language usage and the diversity of the forms.Apart from the distinguising features at syntactic level and rhetorical vehicles as decorative devices of language,some lexical features are frequently employed in advertising English.Ambiguous words,a concise way to express humor and wit,is particularly favored by advertisers to enhance the appeal of language.It is a common phenomenon that ambiguous words are used in advertising English.Therefore,this paper begins with discussing the forms of ambiguous words,the values of ambiguous words in advertising English.On the basis of the plural meanings of ambiguous words and final purposes of translation in advertising English,it analyzes the approaches to translation:agreeing with,taking apart,copying,adapting and compensating.

2. 研究内容和预期目标





3. 国内外研究现状

With the development of society and economy,advertisements have been infiltrating through every field of the society and have become one of the essential parts in people''''''''s life.No matter it is business advertisement ornon-profit advertisement,advertisement making is a comprehensive art.This art needs much more skills and techniques than other arts do,for it is the comnination of sociology,aesthetics,psychology,marketing,acoustics,literature and linguistics.The goal of advertisements is to draw consumers'''''''' attention and to inspire their desire to consume.To get audiences'''''''' attention to make their products best-sellers,advertisers should well equip their advertising readability.To achievethe above values,different kinds of features at lexical level are often used in advertisng English.With the use of the features at lexical level,advertisements are more alive,aesthetic and emotional.Ambiguous word is one of the most often used features at lexical level in advertisements by advertisers.

4. 计划与进度安排


1.nov 16th-nov 22nd,2022subject selecting amp;topic narrowing

2.nov 23rd-dec 20th,2022 data gathering


5. 参考文献

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[2]韩仲谦 歧义在语言中的积极运用[j] 山东师大外国语学院学报,2000(4)

[3] 何玉敏 英语中歧义现象的妙用[j] 河南教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2001(3)

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