The translation strategies of American TV series subtitles开题报告

 2022-06-20 10:06

1. 研究目的与意义

In these days of highly frequent communication among countries,including China and America,a large number of cultural elements has been conflicting and mixed with each other.TV industry is no exception.While many sorts of American TV series and dramas is springing into domestic drama industry,accodingly the subtitles of those exotic dramas need approriate translations in place.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

My paper will give a brief introduction of subtitles#8217; translation of American TV dramas and its importance as well.Then,the main characteristics of subtitles of American dramas will be explored.Next,my paper will focus on the translation strategies of subtitles and several principles.

3. 国内外研究现状

There have been many researches on the translation strategies of American TV dramas and movies made by both domestic and foreign scholars, for example, Liu Li,a scholar,has published her paper, On the Subtitle Translation of Foreign Movies,on Overseas English. Because of the popularity of American dramas in China,in this kind of cross-cultural communication process,subtitles#8217; translation plays a significant part to disseminate culture. That is why I attempt to make a research on this topic.

4. 计划与进度安排

I. Introduction In today#8217;s multi-cultural society, translation is an important device in cross-cultural communication.As a strong tool to disseminate culture,TV dramas and series has a great power in this process.Many American TV series and dramas is coming into China and gradually gaining popularity,at the same time it#8217;s important to spare no effort to translate the subtitles of those dramas and series. 1.The definetion of subtitle translation. 2.The importance of translation for subtitles of American TV series. . II. The main characteristics of subtitles of American TV dramas. 1. Restriction from space and time 2.Colloquialism and diversity in the usage of words 3.Sense of humor III. The translation strategies of American TV series subtitles 1.Domesticating translation 2.Free translation 3.Usage of simple vocabularies 4.Reduction and deletion 5.Usage of Chinese idiom and dialect 6.Adding annotations IV. Conclusion The American TV subtitiles is a particular literary style.A decent subtitles#8217; translation is supposed to be not only loyal to the original one,but also acceptable and appreciable to audience.Thus, the fundermental plot can come aross and at the same time,cross-cultural communication can be successful.While translating the English and Chinese color terms, we should make a flexible use of those methods.

5. 参考文献

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