The Economic Influence on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice开题报告

 2022-06-25 10:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Pride and Prejudice is a very popular novel written by Jane Austen. It tells us how a woman could find a husband she is satisfied with. The author describes two happy marriages, represented by Elizabeth and Darcy, Jane and Bingley; two less happy marriages represented by Charlotte and Collins, Lydia and Wickham. Through the comparison between happy marriages and unhappy ones in the novel, this paper focuses on the analysis of the economic status and property elements that influence their marriages, pointing out other elements that also have great influence on marriages, such as personal behaviors and attractive appearance. Thus the reader can understand the living condition and prevailing ideas in the early 19th century. What#8217;s more, the reader can obtain a better understanding of marriage, and acquire a little enlightenment from it. That is the realistic significance to the modern society. It is helpful for the reader to make rational choices in their marriages after reading this paper.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This paper describes four different types of marriages in Pride and Prejudice. It is mainly about the analysis of economic factors that influence the marriages in the novel. It makes comparison between four marriages and also points out some other factors that affect the marriage in the novel. It aims to show people the gap between the ideal marriage and the real marriage and to help the reader to gain wisdom and learn a lesson from it.

The key issue to be resolved is how social-economic factors play a decisive role in marriages. Therefore, much attention will be paid to the details about the character#8217;s economic status, such as the clothes of dancing parties or the decoration in houses. Comparisons between the character#8217;s economic statuses will be made to show the influence clearly.

3. 国内外研究现状

Pride and Prejudice is a very famous novel written by Jane Austen, and it is read widely all over the world. At the same time, it attracts much critic attention around the world. The criticisms mainly centers around Elizabeth, for her heroism or her attitude to marriage. The paper written by Zhu Wangying analyzes the heroine in Pride and Prejudice from aspects of marriage and property. Liu Wenjun from Zhongnan University of Foreign Languages, analyzes the influence of women#8217;s economic status in the marriages in Pride and Prejudice.

4. 计划与进度安排

1. introduction

2. different types of marriages in the novel

2.1 elizabeth and darcy


5. 参考文献

[1] austen, jane. pride and prejudice [m]. beijing: central translation press, 2008.

[2] bloom, harold. jane austen#8217;s pride and prejudice [m]. oxford: oxford university, 2001.

[3] stone, lawrence. the family, sex and marriage in england 1500-1800 [m]. penguin books, 1979.

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