The Comparison of the Two Chinese Versions of Edger Allan Poes Short Stories– Taking Black Cat and Ms Found in a Bottle for example开题报告

 2022-07-15 14:22:13

1. 研究目的与意义

The introduction and translation of the foreign literature can enrich and develop the domestic literary. During which, a variety of great translation versions and translators are strongly emerging. Among these works, Edger Allan Poe#8217;s short stories are so famous that there are many Chinese versions of his books. To compare some of most famous versions can help people not only find best ones, but also discover pragmatic means of translating.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

Black Cat and Ms. Found in a Bottle are two of the most famous works of Edger Allan Poe. This paper chooses two typical Chinese versions of these two short stories, translated by Liangting Chen and Minglun Cao. When translating, the loyalty in translation, the reincarnation of the style of the original and the aesthetic experience are three important standards to compare the two Chinese versions, from which can gain identity in style and strong readability, which can help the study of Allan Poe more deep.

3. 国内外研究现状

In China, the study and influence of Edger Allan Poe are nothing like other global literary masters, like Hemingway and Mark Twain. It#8217;s important now to introduce and translate more works of him. At the same time, diverse interpretations should also be encouraged to broaden horizons and scope of translating. Since the early years of the last century, Allan Poe#8217;s works have begun to be translated in China. He was truly the father of science fiction(Hammond, 1981). And the literary form of detective stories was originated from him (Symons, 1978). Now in the 21st century, scholars used different ways on translation studies of Allan Poe#8217;s works from new angles. For example, they put his short stories in the frame of Gothic literature to analyze and unscramble the works (Zhu Zhengwu amp; Gao Limin, 2009).

4. 计划与进度安排

I. Introduction Black Cat and Ms. Found in a Bottle are two of the most famous works of Edger Allan Poe. This article chooses two typical Chinese versions of these two short stories, translated by Liangting Chen and Minglun Cao. The loyalty in translation, the reincarnation of the style of the original and the aesthetic experience are three standards here to compare and analyze. In order to achieve the standards, translators should be loyal not only to the original#8217;s content, but also to the style after completely understanding the texts and making acquaintance with themes the author expressing and his writing techniques. They also need courage to break through the shackle of the original words and sentences to translate the stories idiomatically for better reading experiences. Thus, the conclusion is drawn that the two standards mentioned above play important roles in translating literary works. II. Three standards of comparing 2.1 The loyalty in translation 2.1.1 The meaning of the #8220;loyalty#8221; 2.1.2 What should we do when abiding by this rule 2.1.3 Reflection of the standard, focusing on two famous short stories Black Cat of Edger Allan Poe The Chinese version translated by Liangting Chen The Chinese version translated by Minglun Cao The comparison between two Chinese versions Ms. Found in a Bottle of Edger Allan Poe The Chinese version translated by Liangting Chen The Chinese version translated by Minglun Cao The comparison between two Chinese versions 2.2 The reincarnation of the style of the original 2.2.1 The details of the reincarnation 2.2.2 How to realize the reincarnation of the style of the original 2.2.3 Reflection of the standard, focusing on two famous short stories Black Cat of Edger Allan Poe The Chinese version translated by Liangting Chen The Chinese version translated by Minglun Cao The comparison between two Chinese versions Ms. Found in a Bottle of Edger Allan Poe The Chinese version translated by Liangting Chen The Chinese version translated by Minglun Cao The comparison between two Chinese versions 2.3 Aesthetic experience 2.3.1 The explanation of aesthetic experiences 2.3.2 How to gain better aesthetic experiences for readers 2.3.3 Reflection of the standard, focusing on two famous short stories Black Cat of Edger Allan Poe The Chinese version translated by Liangting Chen The Chinese version translated by Minglun Cao The comparison between two Chinese versions Ms. Found in a Bottle of Edger Allan Poe The Chinese version translated by Liangting Chen The Chinese version translated by Minglun Cao The comparison between two Chinese versions III. Conclusion IV. References

5. 参考文献

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