Problems and Strategies in Chinese-English Translation of the Personal Adornments Terms in A Dream of the Red Mansions开题报告

 2022-05-26 21:31:22

1. 研究目的与意义





2. 研究内容和预期目标


1. Introduction2. Two different translators2.1 The difference of their translation aims2.2 The difference of their cultural background2.2.1 The cultural background of Yang2.2.2 The cultural background of Hawkes3. The importance of personal adornments in Literature3.1 Personal adornments in Literature3.2 Relation between personal adornments and characters3.2.1 Adornments of Wang Xifeng3.2.2 Adornments of Jia Baoyu3.2.3 Adornments of Xue Baochai4. Comparison of the examples of personal adornments in two translators versions4.1 Comparison of examples4.1.1 The translation of the names of the adornments4.1.2 The translation of the colors of the adornments4.1.3 The translation of the material of the adornments4.2 Comparison of translation tactic4.2.1 Sameness of two versions4.2.2 Differences of two versions4.2.3 Domestication and foreignization5. Conclusion

3. 研究的方法与步骤

1. 文献阅读法,以此得到适当的文化背景资料,以及具体的细节的补充;2.研读归纳法3.分析比较法;本文的资料主要来源于图书馆以及因特网查找到的相关领域的资料与书籍,同时还有指导老师给予的帮助。

4. 参考文献

[1] David Hawkes, and John Minford. The Story of the Stone [M]. London:Penguin Group. 19731986. [2] Andre Lefevere.Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame [M]. London and New York: Routledge.1992.[3] David Hawkes. The translator, the mirror and the dreamsome observations on a new theory [J].Rendition,1980(13). [4] Enid Childers. Translation in teaching chinese as a foreign language [A].Wayne State University. 2008.10 [5] Liang Shuheng. On the Costume Culture and Translation in A Dream in Red Mansions, [J] Foreign Languages Department,Taishan Institute.2009:109-111,126. [6] 曹雪芹. A Dream of Red Mansions[M]. 杨宪益、戴乃迭 [译]. 北京:外文出版社,1995. [7] 曹雪芹、高鹗. 红楼梦(上、下两册)[M].北京:人民文学出版社,1982;2008. [8] 牛津高阶英汉双解词典[z].北京:牛津大学出版社,商务印书馆.1997.[9] 沈炜艳. 红楼梦服饰文化翻译研究[M]. 上海: 中西书局出版.2011. [10] 刘士聪. 《红楼梦》翻译研究论文集[M]. 天津: 南开大学出版社. 2005. [11] 冯庆华. 思维模式下的译文词汇红楼梦译本研究[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. 2012. [12] 宋修华. 《红楼梦》两部英译本中服饰翻译再现之对比[D]. 哈尔滨理工大学. 2008. [13] 许翠敏. 基于语料库的《红楼梦》服饰词语及其翻译研究[D]. 燕山大学. 2009. [14] 张雪玲. 《礼记》服饰名物词研究[D]. 重庆师范大学. 2013. [15] 朱学帆. 《红楼梦》两个英译本中配饰翻译的对比与鉴赏 [J].《邵阳学院学报》2011(03):57-61.16] 徐珺、,张慧琴. 红楼梦 服饰文化英译策略探索[J]. Chinese Translator Journal.2014:111-115,

5. 计划与进度安排

1)第七学期10-11周: 论文命题与选题; 2) 15-18周: 根据教师下达的任务书,进行论文撰写的前期准备;3) 第八学期1-4周: 论文撰写工作启动,撰写论文开题报告;拟写论文提纲;指导教师审定签字;4)11周:提交论文初稿; 5)14周:在老师指导下提交论文二稿;6) 15-16周: 论文最后定稿,装订、上交;7) 16-17周: 准备论文答辩;

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