An Analysis of the Image of”Cat” in Tennessee Williams Cat on a Hot Tin Roof开题报告

 2022-06-21 11:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Tennessee William#8217; plays are always controversial for its abundance of issues like violence, promiscuity, homosexuality, bibulosity. A cat on a hot tin roof reveals a lot of problems in modern society, such as, lies and escape, death and resurrection, loneliness and isolation, which make people think about the society, the innermost being and the meaning of life.In recent years, with the widely application of the Apollonian spirit and Dionysian spirit, the author found that it is a good point tointerpret the book from these aspects. First of all, Brick has a dual personality, on the influence of the Apollonian spirit and Dionysian spirit, he is calm and manic, sensitive and indifference which proves that he is a collection of contradictions. In addition, the researches of the play emerge endlessly, but it is rarely to study it from the Apollonian spirit and Dionysian spirit point to analyze the character of Brick. Therefore, this article attempts to interpret deeply and in detail of Tennessee Williams play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

研究内容: the image of Brick 拟解决的关键问题:to analyze the dual personality of Brick and the conflicts in his personality 1、 Introduction1.1、Brief introduction to Tennessee Williams1.2、Literature review2、 A Brief Introduction to the Apollonian Spirit and the Dionysian Spirit2.1.1、Friedrich Nietzsche and The Birth of Tragedy 2.1.2、The Apollonian Spirit 2.1.3、The Dionysian Spirit 2.1.4、 The Relationship Between the Apollonian Spirit and the Dionysian Spirit3、Brick#8217;s Dionysian Spirit in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof3.1、Brick#8217;s Apollonian Spirit and Dionysian Spirit3.1.1、Brick#8217;s Apollonian Spirit and Performance 3.1.2、Restraint and Reason 3.1.3、Self-knowledge and moderation3.2、Brick#8217;s Dionysian Spirit and Performance3.2.1、Revenge and Insaneness 3.2.2、Self-indulgence and Intoxication4、Brick#8217;s Tragedy in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 4.1、Collisions between Man and Social Circumstances 4.1.1、Moral Restraints 4.1.2、Social Hostility to Homosexuality 4.2、Collisions between Men and Social Relations4.2.1、Abnormal Father-son Bond4.2.2、Rivalry of Right of Inheritance4.3、Collisions between Man and His Own ActConclusion

3. 国内外研究现状

At present, there are few domestic researches on Williams''s monograph. Since the 80s, scholars began to introduce and study Williams''s drama. The journal of the American drama, thetrend of the contemporary American drama written by Guo Jide 'introduces the Williams''s life experience and drama creation, and his masterpiece in his drama style and its influence to the later playwright. Contemporary American Drama written by Jiang Yiqun focus on Tennessee Williams and his magnum opus. Zhou Weipei Studies Tennessee Williams''s works under the broad background of American theatrical background, studies the social and cultural changes reflected in his drama, and discusses his artistic innovation and contribution to the drama. It follows that domestic scholars rarely involves the studymainly manifested in the following three aspects: 1. Williams#8216;s repressed and silent childhood is not only provides a lot of material in the futurefor his literature, but also led to the result that his work is full of desire and suppress . 2. The subdued and taboo age has great influence on his writing style, such as he dared not blatant express gay theme in his works. 3.DoesWilliams''s writing style has an effect on later American dramatists?

4. 计划与进度安排

(1) 研究方法1、 Literature research: read relevant books, journals and nets for research2、 Comparative analysis method: compare the product approach and the process approach with from reading to writing approach and show the advantages of from reading to writing approach.(2) 时间安排1、2022年11月底前完成选题2、12月底前,撰写、提交、修改开题报告3、2022年3月中旬,撰写、提交论文初稿4、3月中旬至5月初,反复修改,提交修改稿、三稿、外文文献翻译稿5、5月10日之前提交定稿

5. 参考文献

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