On Strategies of Translation: Demostication and Foreignization开题报告

 2022-06-23 08:06

1. 研究目的与意义

On the basis of current studies of domestiction and foreignzation as well as other major strategies of transaltion both at home abroad, the author aims at evaluationg major studies of appliction of domestication and foreignization, and finding a proper way of choosing between domestication and foreignization in Chinese-to-English and English-to-Chinese transaltion work.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

key point of study: the proper way of choosing between doestication and foreignization

outline: 1.introduction of domestication and foreignization as well as other major translation straegies

1.1 definition of domestication and foreignization


3. 国内外研究现状

For centuries, the studies of translation have been subsumed under either of two different subjects or disciplines: linguistics and comparative literature. Traditional translation studies mainly involve the comprehension and criticism of the original text and its translation. Most papers on translation focus on linguistic analysis and textual comparison. Before 1970s, the study of translation occupied a minor corner of applied linguistics, an even more minor corner of literary studies, and little position at all in the cultural studies. But shortly afterwards, it began to be noticed that translation is not merely #8220;the replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent material in another language (target language)#8221; (J. C. Catford, 1965:20). Hans Vermeer, a German translator, once proposed his understanding of translation from a cultural perspective as #8220;information offered in a language z of culture Z which imitates information offered in a language of culture A so as to fulfill the desired function. That means that a translation is not the transcoding of words or sentences from one language into another, but a complex action in which someone provides information about a text under new functional, cultural and linguistic conditions and in a new situation, whereby formal characteristics are imitated as far as possible#8221; (Hans Vermeer, 1986:36). In a broad sense, all human activities are cultural activities. Translation is no exception. Furthermore, Lance Hewson and Jacky Martin (1991:131-135), while considering the translator as #8220;cultural operator#8221;, claim that #8220;cultural equation should be an essential part of translation theory and practice alike.#8221;In 1990, Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere were the first to suggest that translation studies take the #8220;Cultural turn#8221;, which marks a shift of emphasis in translation studies from the linguistic analysis to the broader issues of context, history and convention

4. 计划与进度安排

schedule and expected results:

december 8, 2022- thesis proposal

february 10,2022- the first draft


5. 参考文献


eugene a. nida amp; charles r. taber.(2004). the theory and practice of translation. shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press.

christiane nord. (2001).translating as a purposeful activity. shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press.

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