An Analysis of Reasons for Clydes Tragedy in An American Tragedy开题报告

 2022-06-23 08:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Dreiser is an American outstanding realist writer in the twentieth century, whose masterpiece An American Tragedy profoundly reveals the prevailing social problems in the United States. Clyde, portrayed as the main character of this work, is insanely obsessed with the decadent American way of life, who is also a youth representative with extreme egoism in American society. The process that Clyde descends from a kind-hearted and pure juvenile to a murderer step by step in the temptation of money reveals the decay and evil of American capitalist system.A profound analysis of the reasons for the Clyde#8217;s tragedy can help us understand the nature of American capitalist society from multiple perspectives.Moreover,we can have a more profound understanding of the reasons why the tragedy of Clyde is a true American tragedy.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This paper will study the multiple causes of Clyde#8217;s personal tragedy by analyzing his life experiences.The paper will focus on the relations between Clyde#8217;s tragedy and the US capitalist system.The paper will study how Clyde forms his extreme egoism personality and heads to his end step by step under the influence of the decadent capitalist lifestyle and the phenomenon of growing social gap between the rich and the poor. This paper aims to summarize the causes of Clyde#8217;s tragedy from individual, family, economic, cultural and political aspects by continuous learning and summarizing,further to reveal the deep reasons why Clyde#8217;s tragedy is the tragedy of the United States. 1.Introduction 2.Individual Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy 3.Family Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy 4.Economic Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy 5.Cultural Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy 6.Political Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy 7.The Disillusionment of the American Dream 7.Conclusion

3. 国内外研究现状

There have been many researches on An American Tragedy and the world-famous writer Dreiser,for example,Donald,Pizer ,Spindler,Michael and Guan Xiuli ,have offered their opinions concerning Dreiser#8217;s An American Tragedy and the disillusionment of American dream.However,the papers focusing on the reasons for Clyde#8217;s tragedy in An American Tragedy are very limited.Wu Jianguo and Yu Xiaoping analyze the causes of Clyde#8217;s tragedy from personal,family and social aspects.They hold the opinion that Clyde is a microcosm of American young generation at that time,and the worship of money can affect people#8217;s values.Through careful learning of the deep reasons for Clyde#8217;s tragedy and American tragedy,we can have a clear understanding of capitalist system and the importance of developing a health viewpoint of value.

4. 计划与进度安排

I.Introduction An American Tragedy which tells us a story of Clyde Griffiths#8217; corruption from an innocent boy into a murderer under the influence of the decadent capitalist system is one of the most representative novels of Theodore Dreiser.The reasons for Clyde#8217;s tragedy can be analyzed from individual, family, economic, cultural and political aspects.Furthermore, the tragedy of Clyde can reflect the disillusionment of American Dream,which is also the tragedy of the United States. II.Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy 1.Individual Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy 2.Family Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy 3.Economic Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy 4.Cultural Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy 5.Political Reasons for Clyde#8217;s Tragedy III.The Disillusionment of American Dream 1.The Content of American Dream 2.The Disillusionment of American Dream and Its Reasons 3.The Relations between Clyde#8217;s Tragedy and American Tragedy IV.Conclusion Clyde Griffiths is a representative of American young generation who are insanely obsessed with the decadent American way of life at that time.They are strongly influenced by the incorrect capitalist values,pursuing pleasure and high status.The tragedy of Clyde is also the tragedy of the United States which should be reconsidered profoundly.An American Tragedy reminds us of the importance of developing a health viewpoint of value.We should understand that success can only be achieved with correct values,hard work,intelligence and perseverance .

5. 参考文献

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