The Preliminary Study of Apologies from Cross-cultural Perspective开题报告

 2022-09-04 08:09

1. 研究目的与意义

Apology is a common language phenomenon in daily communication. The research of apology is related to sociology, social psychology, linguistics and so on. An apology speech act is an act that provides face support for an actual or potentially offensive listener. In the past, the social pragmatic studies of apology have focused on analyzing the influence of proper conditions, pragmatic strategies and social variables on the use of apologies, few people pay attention to their interpersonal meaning to the culture. As the opportunities for cooperation and exchanges between China and the West increase, the conflict between Chinese and Western culture is becoming more and more common. That''''''''s because people have different social backgrounds, cultures, and values. It makes people have some unnecessary misunderstanding and Cause conflict. Therefore, it is indispensable to study the apology from the cross - cultural perspective, if you want to achieve the desired effect in cross - cultural communication, improve the ability of cross - cultural communication and avoid the conflict between Chinese and Western cultures.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This thesis researches the apology in preliminary from cross-cultural perspective. The first chapter mainly introduces the background and significance of studying apology. It mainly introduces the current situation of intercultural communication, causes the conflict, and studies the meaning of apology. The apology avoids the conflict in the intercultural communication and promotes the intercultural communication. Using the right apology to make the Chinese people a better communication with foreigners, and promote the spread of culture. The second chapter introduces the forms and types of apologies, mainly to study different forms of apology, as well as the various forms of the effect of the difference. The third chapter mainly studies the relationship between apology and culture. To learn a language, it is necessary to understand the culture represented by that language. Language represents cultural and cultural decision language. Apology is a culture and reflects the values of social culture as a speech act. The fourth chapter mainly introduces the difference of apology between China and the West, mainly from these aspects: the frequency, strategies and responding. Finally, it summarizes and introduces the practical problems that apology can solve.1. Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 significance of the study2. Forms of Apologies2.1 Linguistic and Non-linguistic2.2 Verbal and written2.3 Official and Unofficial3. The Relationship between Apology and Culture4. Differences between Chinese and English in the Apologies4.1 frequency of apologies4.2 Apology strategies4.3 responding to Apologies5. Conclusions

3. 国内外研究现状

In recent years, with the increasing cross-cultural communication, apology as a common language behavior by many scholars at home and abroad, and has made great achievements. In 2002,Hu Xiao from Southwestern Normal University in his article #8216;A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Cultural Apologies#8217; said : in the study of apology behavior, there may be an illusion, people may be the 'apology' as a very simple speech act, that 'sorry', 'please forgive me' to constitute 'apology' all the facts. In fact 'apology' is a very complex phenomenon of speech. For example: in what circumstances (such as the degree of offense, etc.), what apology strategies (apology strategies)? How to respond to others apologize (responses)? Chinese and English culture to deal with offended different apologies? This speech act Implementation also involves many other aspects, such as the relationship between behavior and social factors and so on. As with other speech acts, apologies have their own unique laws in different cultures, and cultural differences relate to all aspects of this behavior.Gui Fenglan in her thesis #8216;Cross - cultural Contrastive Study of Apologies in English and Chinese#8217; said: In the use of apology, the use of English and American people much more than the frequency of the Chinese people. In the case of Anglo-American people, apology is a key part of everyday necessity. Even if the degree of offense can turn a blind eye, Anglo-Americans have to use apology, regardless of time, regardless of the occasion, regardless of object. They apologize anytime, anywhere, because the Anglo-American culture to the individual as the center, highlighting their own interests. Clear boundaries between people, words and deeds of fear of offending others, always alert their own 'cross-border' move. Farting will offend other people''''''''s sensory organs, coughing, sneezing will spread germs, so these seemingly small manners, Anglo-American to say 'I''''''''m sorry'. In the Chinese view, apologize for a solemn behavior, it must be the same degree of affronted. Therefore, the frequency of the use of Chinese-English apology is different.

4. 计划与进度安排

Nov.9,2022 to Nov.30,2022 Confirming the title and writing ideasDec.1,2022 to Dec.15,2022 Reading the literature and collect information.Dec.15,2022 to Dec.31,2022According to finishing the literature to improve the center of the paper and writing ideas.Jan.1,2022 to Jan.15,2022 Completing the opening report.Jan.16,2022 to Feb.28,2022Writing the paper.Mar.1,2022 to Apr.10,2022 Completing the first draft of the paper and improving teacher#8217;s help.Apr.11,2022 to Apr.30,2022Modifying the paper according to the teacher ''s advice and Completing the second draft of the paper.May.1,2022 to May.16,2022Completing the revision of the paper.Before Jun.10,2022 Completing the thesis defense.

5. 参考文献

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