Yan Shus Ci Translation from the Perspective of Ecological Translatology — Taking Xu Yuanchongs translation as an example 生态翻译学视角下晏殊词翻译研究——以许渊冲译本为例开题报告

 2023-04-13 09:04

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

1. introduction1.1 research backgroundsong ci is one of the most glorious flowers in the classical chinese literature, which symbolizes a great success of a generation with its unique features. song ci began in the southern liang dynasty, formed in the tang dynasty and flourished in the song dynasty. yan shu, a poet in northern song dynasty, laid a good foundation for the emergence and prosperity of song ci and enriched the classical chinese literary world. his ci mostly expressed the poetic life and leisurely nature. the language is ebullient, quite influenced by feng yansi, a poet from the southern tang dynasty. yan shus works were collected in zhu yu ci (《珠玉词》), which played an irreplaceable role in the early period of song ci.the reasons why the author chooses xu yuanchongs translation of yan shus ci are as follows:first of all, xu yuanchong, as a famous translator, has been engaged in literary translation for more than 60 years, and his translations cover chinese, english and french, especially concentrating on the english translation of ancient chinese poetry, forming the method and theory of rhyming style translation of poetry, and is known as the only person who translated poetry into english and french. there are a great number of excellent song ci translations in his masterpiece, 300 song lyrics, which has made an incomparable contribution to the translation of classical chinese literature.secondly, from language level, xu excels in chinese, english and french. his profound language knowledge gives him many benefits in translation. from cultural level, with his study at the national southwest united university, xu has experienced a lot in the western culture and studied innumerable western literature works, which enables him to be familiar with both chinese and western cultures and builds a foundation for him to make two cultures communicate smoothly. there are 9 translations of yan shus ci in 300 song lyrics and the author chooses 3 tunes silk-washing stream (《浣溪沙》) to study xus translation skills. eco-translatology is a new perspective for translation studies and was first put forward by professor hu gengshen in 2001 and fully developed in 2009. eco-translatology believes that there is an intrinsic connection between the ecology of translation and the ecology of nature. so, in order to take a further step to study translation, eco-translatology gives people another new aspect, especially from the three-dimensional transformations: linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions.based on researches and studies at home and abroad, most of the previous studies shedding light to translations of ci have been conducted under the guidance of linguistic and aesthetic theories. few studies have concentrated on yan shus ci, let alone from the perspective of eco-translatology. 1.2 need of the studyknown as the ancient civilization of the east, china enjoys a history of 5,000 years. during these 5,000 years, various literary and artistic works have blossomed one after another, and song ci is one of those treasures. the ancient chinese literati's love for the country's great rivers and mountains and their aspirations for a better life are encapsulated in song ci. nowadays, under the background of globalization, exchanges between various countries are becoming more and more frequent, not only in terms of trade and political diplomacy, but also in terms of culture. in order to let the world know more about china and its culture, and so that china can be better integrated into the world and into the wave of globalization, the exchange of literature is a window to help the world to understand china better. translation plays an irreplaceable in communicate and exchange. in todays world, the majority of the more influential translation theories have been developed by western translators. eco-translatology was put forward by a chinses scholar, which deserves more attention and exploration. under the guidance of eco-translatogy and its three-dimensional transformations, chinese literature can show its real beauty and help people from all over the world to learn more, deeper and better of chinese culture. according to the previous studies on translation, yan shus ci received inadequate attention and efforts. ye (1997) believed that yan shu's position in the history of ci was mainly to inherit the first and initiate the next, with his famous public status of a great official and a large number of excellent works leading to the prosperity of the lyric world. to have an all-round view of song ci, it is of great significance to give yan shu and his ci full attention. yan shus ci is a representative of one of the two major schools of song lyrics, the euphemism school. although his works are not comparable to li qingzhao (another famous female poet of euphemism)s, they still have a distinctive flavor, which are worth studying, especially their selected words. to conclude, the need of the study includes two main points: first, by studying yanshu's ci, one can further understand song lyrics and its development process, as well as appreciate the distinctive beauty of song ci. second, studying yan shus ci under the guidance of eco-translatology is helpful for the development and application of eco-translatology, so that with the help of translation of chinese classical literature, the exchange and communication among different countries and cultures will become more efficient and effective. the whole world will learn china and chinese culture better. 1.3 structure of the thesisthis paper consists of six chapters. chapter 1 introduces the background information of the research. chapter 2 gives an overview of previous studies on xu yuanchongs translation and yan shus ci. also, this part mentions the eco-translatology theory, including its definition, development and its three-dimensional transformations, linguistic dimension, cultural dimension and communicative dimension. chapters 3 elaborates on first aspect of the three-dimensional transformation, the linguistic term. it can be divided into two parts: one is lexical level and the other is syntactic level. chapter 4 focuses on the dimension of culture, incorporating historical stories and cultural images. chapter 5 concentrates on the last dimension, communication. the final chapter are some enlightening suggestions obtained from the study and admits some limitations.2. literature review and theoretical framework2.1 previous studies on yan shus ciyan shu (991-1055), also known as yan tongshu, is one of the most prominent literati in china history. yan shu served as chancellor during the reign of emperor renzong of the northern song dynasty. during his tenure, he was a clean official and lived a simple life. although he had long been prominent, he still maintained a good lifestyle. yan shu was well known for his political achievements at that time, though it would be surprising for people to consider that the style of the works written by a high-ranking official has a different flavor. despite his political life, yan shu has created numerous literary works in his life, among which a collection named zhu yu ci is the most remarkable work and earns him the most reputation and prestige. in terms of ci, yan shu and his seventh son yan jidao were called as big yan and little yan, and together with ouyang xiu, they were known as yan ou. later generations respected him as the first ancestor of the northern song yi sheng family (zhang, 2018).there are several studies on yan shus ci. since the beginning of the 21st century, tao (1998) conducted his research on yan shus ci from the perspective of artistic conception and pointed out that yan shu's ci could express the poetic exploration of life through the depiction of daily life. then shan (2001) studied yan shus ci from aesthetic perspective, including keen sense of the passage of time, sentimental beauty and graceful and luxurious temperament. at that time, most of the studies on yan shu focused on comparation between yan shu and other scholars during that generation, while there were few studies on translation of yan shus ci. it was not until 2011 that scholars started to study translation on yan shus ci. dai (2011) analyzed yan shus ci under the theory of defam iliarization by comparing gong and xus translations of yan shus butterflies in love with flowers (《蝶恋花槛菊愁烟兰泣露》). at the same year, zhang (2011) compared yan shus treading the sedge (《踏莎行小径红稀》) and liu yongs autumn evening moon (《秋夜月相见欢》) in the perspective of aesthetics and imagery. recently, ji (2020) published an article on english translation strategies, in which he collected five versions, ranging from julie landau to xu yuanchong, and compared their translation skills. however, there were few studies on xus translations of yan shus ci from the perspective of eco-translatology. 2.2 previous studies on xu yuanchongs translationxu yuanchong, born in jiangxi, china in 1921, was a professor at beijing university and a translator. he published multiple translation masterpieces and made eminent contributions to poetry translation. xu (2005) delivered a speech at the third forum on classics translation and emphasized that the classics are the best words in the best order. he also emphasized his translation skills: three beauties theory, sanhua (三化)equalization, generalization and particularization and sanzhi (三之)comprehension, appreciation and admiration. there have been a great deal of studies on xu yuanchongs translation of chinese classical literature from various aspects, including gestalt theory, semiotics theory and so on. xu's thinking and exploration of translation is deeply rooted in chinese cultural traditions (zhu, 2020). in xus translation, he paid attention to western culture and classics on the one hand, and to chinese cultural and literature on the other. in addition, he focused on the differences between chinese and western languages. when it comes to the contemporary values of xus translation, zhu (2019) mentioned that xus translation was full of the spirit of daring to be the first, seeking truth and beauty, constantly surpassing himself and climbing to the top.foreign scholars have mixed feelings about the english translations of chinese poetic translator xu yuanchong's poems. australian sinologist jon kowallis praised xu's translation of chu ci(《楚辞》)as a peak of english and american literature, while richard o.colclogh criticized that xu's translation of guan ju was very unpleasant to the ear (zhou, 2020). although different people have their own views about xus translation, his value and contribution to bring chinese culture to the world and making china known to the world are tremendous. 2.3 eco-translatology theory2.3.1 definition and developmentaccording to hu (2008), eco-translatology can be interpreted as an ecological approach to translation studies, or translation studies from an ecological perspective. eco-translatology can be divided into two parts: ecology and translatology, which makes it an interdisciplinary study.ecology is defined as the branch of biology that studies the relationship between organisms and environment, and between organisms themselves. nowadays, ecology has been widely used in the humanities and social sciences with its meaning enriched. translatology aims at studying the law and art of translation. by combining ecology and translatology together, blending the wisdom of china and the west, eco-translatology was born. the emergency of eco-translatology is closely related to the development of the times. first of all, it is a reflection of the transformation of social civilization in translation study. since the 1960s, the world has attached great importance to ecology, and so has china. also, with the influence of western scholars and chinese traditional concept golden mean (中庸), eco-translatology is a corollary of the transformation of philosophical thought. 2.3.2 key concepts of eco-translatologythere are many concepts in eco-translatology, including translator-centeredness, adaptation and selection and the translation method: multi-dimensional transformation.translator-centeredness means that translator is the real leader of the whole translation, that is, there is no translation without a translator. translation cannot exist without the communication created by the translator, between writer and reader. this concept breaks believes that both adaptation and selection belong to the translator, leading the translator to take the core role in translation, which successfully break through the two extremes of the source-oriented and the target-oriented (hu, 2004).adaptation and selection are another two core concepts in eco-translatology. these concepts have their roots in the doctrine of adaptation and selection of darwinian theory of evolution. hu defined translation as translators' choice of activities to adapt to the ecological translation environment. so, the process of translation needs both adaptation and selection, i.e., selective adaptation and adaptive selection. and the translator should abide by the principle of survival of the fittest.multi-dimensional transformation involves in three parts: linguistic, cultural and communicative dimension. as a translator, it is necessary to be proficient in at least two languages so that the translation can successfully convey the meaning that the original intended to convey. there are more than 5,000 languages all around the world. every language has its own culture, which is quite different from others. different languages have different characteristics. translation needs to start with the language and slowly penetrate into the culture behind it. maybe the same word has various cultural meanings in different countries. as we all know, the cultural differences between east and west are enormous. for example, the color red symbolizes good luck and joy in the east, while it does not in the west. while translating, the gap of culture should be extremely aware of. having successfully dealt with the differences in language and culture makes for smooth communication.2.3.3 previous studies on eco-translatologysince 2001 professor hu proposed the concept, eco-translatology has enjoyed great popularity and received a lot of studies based on it. studies at home can be divided into two categories: theoretical and practical studies. an example for the former one is that luo (2019) commented that the emergence of eco-translatology brought forth the problem domain shift in translation studies. luo believed that it is both a transcendence of the problem domain of western translation theory and a return to the wholeness of translation studies. also, at the first international symposium on ecological translation, many scholars proposed their own opinions about the development of eco-translatology theory. professor wang ning of tsinghua university provided an insightful look at the research paradigm of eco-tranlatology from the cognitive perspective of deconstructionism analysis. professor meng fanjun from southwestern university discussed the theories of ecological translation from a philosophical perspective. from the aspect of practical study, many scholars use this theory to guide translation. zhai hongmei, anhui normal university associate professor analyzed lin yutang's english translation of six records of a floating life in the process of adaptation strategies to the translation ecology. in addition to the research results mentioned at that conference, eco-translatology can be used in several areas, not limited in literature, but can be applied in policy and arts. from its three-dimensional transformations, zhang (2015) took xi jinpings political speech as an example and analyzed the environment of its english translation. zhao (2016) and another two scholars paid their attention to buzzwords translation by using this theory. while guo (2021) conducted his study about peter pan and yan (2021) chose tao te ching to study its translation strategies under the perspective of eco-translatology. when it comes to studies abroad, dollerup at the symposium analyzed the social, cultural and historical reasons for the continuous emergence of translation theories in europe, on the basis of which he believes that ecological translation is the first truly original translation theory that grew up outside the european context. although this theory originated in china, it is now a worldwide craze. in recent years, edwin gentzler (usa), kirsten malmkjear (uk), marry snell-hornby (austria), douglas robinson (hong kong) and other translators have been engaged in studying this theory. to sum up, the eco-translatology has been gradually expanded, proving its practical and theoretical values during the past 20 years. it is gaining greater popularity and playing a more important role in translation. beyond any dispute, eco-translatology will benefit the further translation work and do good to cultural exchanges. 2.4 summaryby analyzing the previous studies on yan shus ci, xu yuanchongs translation and eco-translatology, it is clear that the studies about these themes are gradually forming a complete whole. studies on yan shu and his ci are not in the minority, varying from his political life to his literature works. xu yuanchong, as a distinguished translator, has been mentioned a lot in other researches. from the view of his translations of poetry, previous studies mainly shed light to li bais poems or su shis ci. however, there are still some blank spots, especially in translations of yan shus ci, let alone from the view of eco-translatology. in this thesis, the author focuses on xu yuanchongs translation of yan shus ci and tries to analyze its translation strategies from multi-dimensional transformation under the guidance of eco-translatology to fulfill the study blank. as a translation theory rooted in china, eco-translatology can help to spread chinese culture to the whole world and ease the barricade between different cultures while reading literature works, which is of indispensable significance for chinese culture to go out of the country and into the world.referencesguo, w. t. (2021). eco-translatology-based analysis of childrens literature translationa case study: peter pan. english language and literature studies, 11, 57-67.xu, y. c. (2004). bilingual edition 300 song lyrics. beijing: higher education press.yan, p. j. (2021). a study on the english translation on chapter two of tao te ching from the perspective of eco-translatology: lin yutangs and james legge's versions. international journal of english language studies (ijels), 3(5), 1-4.zhao, y. s., zhao, y. h., liu, y. (2016). c-e translation of buzzwords from the perspective of eco-translatology. canadian social science, 12(3), 5-9.戴郁莲(2011),论陌生化手法在诗歌翻译中的运用以晏殊的《蝶恋花》英译本为例,《语文学刊(外语教育与教学)》,9:45-48。




2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

1. Research TopicThe present paper studies on the strategies of Xu Yuanchongs translation of Yan Shus Ci from the perspective of Eco-Translatology. The specific research question is: how to make the translation of Chinese classics successful in linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions? Known as the ancient civilization of the East, China enjoys a history of 5,000 years. During these 5,000 years, various literary and artistic works have blossomed one after another, and Song Ci is one of those treasures. In order to let the world know more about China so that China can be better integrated into the rest of the world and into the wave of globalization, the translation of literature is a window to help the world to understand China better. 2. Research MethodsThere are 9 translations of Yan Shus Ci in Xu Yuanchongs masterpiece, 300 Song lyrics, and the author chooses 3 tunes Silk-washing Stream (《浣溪沙》) to study Xus translation skills. Under the guidance of Eco-Translatology, the paper analyzes Xus translation version from three dimensions. Firstly, from linguistic dimension, the paper focuses on lexical and syntactic level to find out Xus translation skills. Then, taking Chinese historical stories and cultural images into account, the paper will introduce the second dimension, cultural dimension. The last is from communicative dimension to dig out how to translate Chinese classics so that communication will become easier and more efficiently. Through a qualitative research, the paper will give some suggestions on translation of Chinese classics and hopes to better promote Chinese culture to the world.

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