The Heroism in the Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn开题报告

 2022-06-15 11:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Each nation in any ages has its own heroes. Heroes are these people who pioneer and realize some glorious dreams. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn stand as a successful image of realization of American dreams. They are heroes in millions of heart. Their experiences are not only individual legends, but also a cultural phenomenon with a certain value system. To some extent, they reflect the longings and inner world value of hero at different ages. Mark Twain, a mirror of America, presented us with a genuine and realistic popular hero--- Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. This thesis maintains the heroes are neither depended on their backgrounds nor their success or failure. The real heroes are a galaxy of men who are upright and honest concerning about the sky. Their existence, to some extent, is the significance to the prospect of one nation.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This thesis makes a detailed analysis of heroism in the adventures of Tom Sawyer and the adventures of Huckleberry Finn from three respects. Firstly, it is going to introduce the author, the two works and the research status at home and abroad. Secondly, the thesis explores the interpretation of heroism in the two works. Thirdly, the thesis makes a comparison of two works and analyses the revolted spirit. Finally, concluding the practical significance of heroism and the irreplaceable position in culture. Outline:1. Introduction1.1 About the author1.2 About the works1.3 The research status at home and abroad2. Heroism2.1 Hero and heroism2.2 American dreams2.3 The significance of the heroes3. Analysis of heroes of two works3.1 The different background3.2 The revolted spirit3.3 Honor and devotion3.4 The loving longings4. Practical significance5. Conclusion6. Reference

3. 国内外研究现状

In the early twentieth Century, Mark Twain#8217;s name appears in China, but critical ideas about her works come much later in the 1930s when some of his works were translated. Gradually some literary scholars wrote about Mark Twain with literary analysis. Mark Twain and his works#8217; research follow the national agenda of different periods of the development of social culture and the taste of the readers.At abroad, because of Mark Twain''s unique position in the literary history and achievements, many authors consider him as a model of learning and benchmarking. In the modern period of study, due to the emergence of new academic schools and a large number of new academic theories, the later generations is specialized on Mark Twain''s research and the research content is increasingly diverse and extensive. What#8217;s more, these researches in this period usually focus on the western frontier in his works, the humorous using of words and the racial problems.

4. 计划与进度安排

1. Document AnalysisBy collecting and analyzing the files of different times and extensive authors, the understanding of the subject is brought to a higher level. Documents provide me an understanding of the adventures of Tom Sawyer and the adventures of Huckleberry Finn and help me to enrich the thesis with various examples2. Book AnalysisAnalyzing books is an irreplaceable part for writing this thesis. Through the appreciation of the original works, the characteristics of heroes and main views in this two books can be proposed. This makes a huge contribution to the understanding of the value of the books that Mark Twin aims to let the reader.

5. 参考文献




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