The Awakening of Feminist Consciousness in Gone with the Wind开题报告

 2022-06-16 09:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Gone with the Wind, written by the American writer Margaret Mitchell, is among the most famous in the 20th century. It is set in the period of the American Civil War and describes the life experience of the daughter of an owner of plantation in the south. The war ruined Scarlett#8217;s homeland and smashed her original life, forcing her to be independent and take over the burden of maintaining her whole family. In this process, her feminist consciousness is awakened. This paper is to use the theory of feminism to explore the forming and evolution of the heroine#8217;s concept toward independence and freedom by analyzing thechange of her characters and behaviors before, during and after the war. In this way, the paper intends to obtain a further understanding of the awakening of feminist consciousness in the period of social transformation as well as the underlying reasons behind the awakening in the west countries. Furthermore it can still serve as some enlightenment for women in the modern time.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

The research will focus on the awakening of feminist consciousness through a probe into the heroine Scarlett#8217;s life experience which reflects her feminist concepts with the social background of the story taken into consideration as well on the reasons underlying the evolution of these concepts. At the same time the author#8217;s living background and life experience will be analyzed to further explore this issue.

3. 国内外研究现状

both inside and outside the country, researches mainly focused on the heroine scarlett#8217;s characters: she is appreciated by many for her adamancy, courage, rebellion and even selfishness which makes her strong and respectful. there are also some researches relating the business ethos with gender by analyzing scarlett#8217;s career. the author margaret mitchell#8217;s living and social background is also a subject for many to disclose the sprout of feminism.

in china, researchers are interested in comparing scarlett with some female figures in chinese classic works. there is a research on the comparison between scarlett and wang xifeng, a female figure in a classic traditional novel a dream in red mansions, who enjoyed great power in a society in which women had low social status. and the other one compares scarlett with yao mulan, the heroine in moments in peking, written by lin yutang, which also describes a woman#8217;s awakening of feminist consciousness in the time of war.


4. 计划与进度安排


2.the introduction of the author and her living background

3.the introduction of feminism


5. 参考文献

[1]collett, janelle. romanticizing the old south: a feminist, historicalanalysis of #8220;gone with the wind#8221;.

[2]mitchell, margaret. gone with the wind[m]. 上海:外语教育出版社, 1992.

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