Narrative Techniques of Moon and Sixpence开题报告

 2022-09-05 03:09

1. 研究目的与意义

Maugham is a popular novelist all over the world. The Moon and Sixpence is one of his three masterpiece novels. As soon as The Moon and Sixpence published, it aroused great reverberation because of its fantastic plot and profound narration. It is inseparable with its careful selection of the story and unique narrative way. Therefore, discussing the narrative characteristics of this work has a certain value and significance.From studying the narrative techniques of The Moon and Sixpence, we can learn and apply the ways for reference to creating a great story. It is helpful for us to build a story construction and logical thinking. Besides, this novel can be taken as a example when studying other works which has analogous narrative techniques.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This essay tries to analyze the narrative art characteristic of The Moon and Sixpence, which is based on the text in detail and the theories of narrative study, to dig his works unique artistic forms.The essay is divided into 5 parts. Chapter one is mainly about the literature review and brief introduction of narrative techniques. Chapter two focuses on the narrative perspectives including the definition and classifications of narrative perspectives and two kinds of narrative perspectives that The Moon and sixpence had used-- The first-person narration and The omniscient narrative perspective. Chapter three describes the narrative structure of The Moon and sixpence in two aspects-linear structure and spatial structure. Chapter four analyses the two ironies that this novel mainly used-verbal irony and situational irony. The fifth part is the conclusion to make a summary of narrative techniques in The Moon and Sixpence.

3. 国内外研究现状

In general, the research of Maugham in British and American academia started early, there are research papers on Maugham, both in terms of quantity and quality every year. Research papers on Maugham, which were representative before the 1990s, were also compiled in a collection of published works in William Somerset Maugham Commentaries. The narrative techniques used in The Moon and Sixpence were impressed a lot. An equally brilliant British writer, Graham Green, once asserted: Maugham will be remembered as a #8220;narrator#8221;. Because of the superb narrative techniques that makes the novel quite deep and interesting. It is not only welcomed by the majority of readers, but also praised Virginia Woolf who always was considered as a serious critic.In China,the articles mainly focus on the theme - ideal and reality and personality, but there is less attention on the art form of the work. For instance, Su Wen analyzed the dominant personality of the protagonist Charles Strickland in The Moon and Sixpence before and after the exodus of life with psychoanalytic criticism theory. Gu Hong showed Maugham''s deep exploration of the contradiction of human nature and the complexity of life connotation from the conflict between reality and ideal. Li Nan gave an analysis of The Moon and Sixpence from ethical literary criticism.

4. 计划与进度安排

OutlineChapter Ⅰ. Introduction1.1Literature review1.2The brief introduction of narrative techniquesChapter Ⅱ. Narrative perspectives2.1The definition and classifications of narrative perspectives2.2The first-person narration2.3The omniscient narrative perspectiveChapter Ⅲ. Narrative structure3.1Linear narration3.2Spatial Narrative Techniques Chapter Ⅳ. Rhetorical device--Irony4.1Verbal irony4.2Situational ironyChapter Ⅴ. Conclusion

5. 参考文献

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