On the Untranslatability in Translation and Transformation Strategies开题报告

 2022-06-16 09:06

1. 研究目的与意义

Translation is a field full of paradoxes. Translatability and untranslatability is one pair of them in the field of translation studies. Translation is a cross language, cross-cultural, cross social communication activities, requires it to be as accurate as possible, perfect to convey into another language. However, due to the cultural cognition and application of various languages are different, which causes untranslatability phenomenon in the process of translation, between the Chinese English translation practice, also is such. With the unceasingly knowledge and research of human language and translation, people no longer one-sidedly emphasis on translation is possible or impossible, but show a more sensible and practical attitude. At present, people maybe still cite the example of a large number of sayings, humor, palindrome, allusions which are untranslatable, but we believe untranslatability is not absolute, in a certain period of time under certain conditions, through translator''''s creative labor; it can be changed into translatability. Either of them is not a static result, but a transformable dynamic process. The translator must under the premise know the exchange between different national languages and culture, give full efforts to their own initiative, to choose the proper translation strategies. At the same time, use the effective compensation method to put the untranslatability into translatability as possible. With the development of society, the enlarging and deepening of cultural exchange and translators#8217; efforts, untranslatability can be transformed into translatability. Anyway, the author cordially hopes that this paper can improve people#8217;s understanding of translatability and untranslatability, attract much attention to it, and propel translation practice and theory studies forward.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

The research content 1. Translation is a field full of paradoxes. That translatability and untranslatability is a dialectical unity of contradictory opposites, and point the reasons. 2. Discussing the objective existence and categories, the partial untranslatability. 3. With the help of instances to discuss the three kinds of strategic transformation, namely Foreignization, Domestication and combination between the two. And the compensation methods: literal translation and free translation, transliteration, amplification translation, and synthetic method. The key problem to solve The process of translator to deal with and solve the phenomenon of partial untranslatability just reflects that the translation is a creative activity. Discuss the three kinds of strategic transformation. Secondly, carry on the research of translation method, and points out how to apply these specific methods. Outline Abstract Chapter I Introduction Chapter II 2.1 That translatability and untranslatability 2.2 The reasons Chapter III 3.1 The objective existence of untranslatability 3.2 The concept and classification of untranslatability 3.3 The reasons and conditions Chapter IV 4.1 Linguistic untranslatability 4.2 Cultural untranslatability Chapter V 5.1 Translation Strategies for Untranslatability 5.1.1 Foreignization 5.1.2 Domestication. 5.1.3 Combination between the two 5.2 Compensation method 5.2.1 Literal Translation 5.2.2 Free Translation 5.2.3 Transliteration 5.2.4 Amplification translation 5.2.5 Synthetic method Chapter VI Conclusion

3. 国内外研究现状

Translation is a field full of paradoxes. Translatability and untranslatability is one pair of them in the field of translation studies. With the unceasingly knowledge and research of human language and translation, people no longer one-sidedly emphasis on translation is possible or impossible, but show a more sensible and practical attitude. At present, people maybe still cite the example of a large number of sayings, humor, palindrome, allusions which are untranslatable, but we believe untranslatability is not absolute, in a certain period of time under certain conditions, through translator''''s creative labor; it can be changed into translatability. Either of them is not a static result, but a transformable dynamic process.

4. 计划与进度安排

The research of literature and Case study method Plan The selection of topic, the opening report, data collection -2022.12.31 Perfect plan, Outline, Research -2022.1.31 Once again to find information, statistical results -2022.2.15 Analysis and comparison, the elaboration of the first draft -2022.3.19 Submission of thesis, guidance teacher review, repeated modification -2022.5.10 Thesis defend -2022.6.10

5. 参考文献

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