Listening Practice Influence on the Use of Communication Strategies in Oral Translation开题报告

 2022-06-20 10:06

1. 研究目的与意义

effective communication plays an important role in translation. in oral translation, english major students must understand the meaning well enough to translate orally or employ some strategies to compensate for the lack of their linguistic knowledge. therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out the types of communication strategies undergraduate students employ during oral translation and examine the relationship between authentic listening materials#8217; practice and employment of these strategies.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

research contents: 

abstract .

introduction ..........................................................


3. 国内外研究现状

On entering the 21st century, the development of oral translation theory has received more and more recognition. While in China oral translation studies started to develop quite late. And the early researches focus on empiricism stage, mainly are the oral features and principles of oral translation, the qualification of oral translation and the content of oral translation teaching or something like that. Although oral translation has become a required course in many colleges and universities, according to Liu Heping :#8220;In a long time, the oral translation teaching in many colleges focus on the training of oral English, or the translation of the sentences. Attentions are paid mainly on the imparting of the knowledge, supplied with the development of the competence. The training of the oral translation skills is excluded from the teaching content.#8221; And in the meantime, #8220;the oral translation teaching and research in China are experience-oriented, lacking sufficient scientific research. Persons qualified to teach are rare. What#8217;s more, persons engaged in oral translation research are still rarity. Facing up to the working demands for English majors, the oral translation teaching has unveiled a lot of worrying weaknesses.#8221; Now, there is a few books on the theory of oral translation teaching in the market, most of which are about the skills of memory, note taking, expressing and analyzing. Scarcely any of them is about the importance of the training of the listening skills in oral translation teaching.
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4. 计划与进度安排

进度计划   1. Nov.16th - Nov.22nd , 2022 Subject selecting amp; topic narrowing  2. Nov.23rd - Dec.20th , 2022Data gathering  3. Dec.21st - Jan.10th , 2022Opening report amp; detailed outline  4. Jan.11th - Feb.8th, 2022 Literature review  5. Feb.9th - Mar.14th, 2022 First draft  6. Mar.15th - Apr.10th, 2022 Second draft  7. Apr.11th - Apr.20th, 2022 Final version  8. Apr.27th - May 14th, 2022 Printing  9. May 17th - May 25th, 2022 Thesis debate
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5. 参考文献

brown, g. listening to spoken language[m]. london: longman inc. 1990.

dunkel, p. listening in the native and second/foreign language: toward an integration of research and practice [j]. tesl quarterly, 1991(3).

liu shaolong. a case study of listening models and strategies.----effdcts of background knowledge [a].

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